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Path to Purchase research; 4 tips for success

July 22, 2024

Alex Provan

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In today’s consumer-driven world brands constantly vie for attention, hoping that when it comes time to make a purchase shoppers will choose them over the rest. This relentless competition has created a complex landscape of touchpoints, both online and offline, that consumers subconsciously navigate every day. Path to Purchase research aims to decode this landscape by quantifying which touchpoints shoppers are exposed to, and influenced by, on the journey to making a purchase.

At Nepa we believe that certain ingredients are essential for effectively measuring the touchpoint landscape and consumer journeys.

1. Bring all your data points onto the same playing field

You can’t improve what you can’t track. If you’re measuring your digital, physical, paid, unpaid, owned, and earned touchpoints in different ways, with different tools, in different teams, you’re going to be making decisions based on incomplete data.

Nepa’s Path to Purchase offers a comprehensive, two-pronged approach to measure the entire touchpoint landscape. By combining behavioural web tracking with detailed survey responses over a semi-longitudinal period, our methodology captures all touchpoints in one place. This gives us a complete view of consumer journeys, enabling us to effectively measure the impact of individual touchpoints on purchase conversion across omnichannel.

2. Focus on the one metric that truly matters: Conversion

Everything a marketer and insights professional does should be towards one goal – Driving growth. Understanding the touchpoints that have the most impact to the most people means even small teams can optimise their marketing efforts for maximum impact.

Measuring conversion is not easy: shoppers are exposed to multiple touchpoints from competing brands each time they make a purchase and, often their decisions are not made through a conscious evaluation process. However, at Nepa, we’ve developed a technique, called Conversion Power, to accurately quantify the effectiveness of touchpoints in conversion, even when purchases seem automated.

Conversion Power analysis

Nepa’s Conversion Power analysis measures touchpoint effectiveness by calculating the increased likelihood of a brand being chosen when a shopper is exposed a touchpoint of that brand prior to purchase. Conversion Power values are linked to real-life outcomes and are directly comparable. For instance, a Conversion Power of 50% means that a shopper is 50% more likely to buy Brand X if exposed to that touchpoint than if they aren’t.

Additionally, it indicates that this touchpoint is twice as effective at converting shoppers compared to a touchpoint with a Conversion Power of 25%. Our approach also determines touchpoint influence through advanced statistical modelling of observations. By doing this we avoid potential inaccuracies caused by biases in claimed respondent influence.

Measuring conversion this way empowers brands to optimize their activation strategies by defining which touchpoints to invest in based on their uplift values.

3. Collect what happens, as it happens

Memories fade, so if you’re not collecting self-stated and behavioural data at the same time, it is easy to misattribute conversions to different touchpoints. Did the shopper buy your brand because they saw it in-store, or were the paid social media posts and UGC a more important part of their journey?

At Nepa, we recognize the importance of collecting real-time data. Our Path to Purchase research methodology captures data as close to real-time as possible through a semi-longitudinal design. Capturing real time actions online is the easy part: our web tracking techniques record online touchpoint data as it occurs: each time a shopper encounters a category touchpoint, we document its type, brand, content, and timing.

Offline data collection

Capturing real-time offline (real-world) data presents a greater challenge. While it would be ideal to follow shoppers around with a clipboard and record every brand encounter, this is not feasible—at least not yet! To address this, we use a regular diary approach. Respondents receive a brief survey every 2 to 3 days, where they document their interactions with touchpoints and any purchases made since the last survey. This method helps minimize memory decay that can occur over longer periods. By combining this with the online data and collecting over a 6 to 8 week period, we can thoroughly map complex touchpoint landscape and shopper journeys, even for products with extended purchase cycles.

4. Map the entire journey

Nothing happens in a silo, so you need to understand the cross-channel effects of both online and offline marketing. Do your consumers experience a seamless experience across all platforms, or is there friction you need to improve upon to drive future growth?

This is why at Nepa we consider the ‘omnichannel’ Path to Purchase. Our solution assesses the impact of all touchpoints across both online and offline environments. We don’t just measure the effect of online touchpoints on online purchases or offline touchpoints on offline purchases. We recognize that the offline and online worlds interact, and we make sure to measure this. Given the increasing fragmentation and complexity of the omnichannel landscape, we go beyond being mere data providers. As industry leaders, we offer we act as partners and advisers to help you navigate this complex environment, empowering you to craft informed strategies and outperform the competition.

Alex Provan is a Senior Project Manager in London, who has worked on Path to Purchase research projects for high-profile brands all across the globe.

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Path to Purchase; the Nepa approach

July 17, 2024

Karen Chandler

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500%. That’s the increase in touchpoints that our clients have tracked over the last five years. Banner ads. PPC. Print ads. TV commercials. Blogs. In-person events. Webinars. Catalogues. OOH. Referrals. Sponsored social posts. Organic social search. Influencers. Emails. These are just some of the ways your consumers can interact with your brand every single day. The shopper journey is no longer a linear ‘path to purchase’ – every shopper journey is as different as every shopper. So how can brands quantify these effects in the omnichannel, always-on, world?

Traditionally, the shopper marketing funnel views the consumer journey as a straight path from awareness to conversion. But the shopper marketing funnel was made for the old, pre-digital world. We see in our Path to Purchase studies that consumers now bounce around between stages, and there has been a massive diversification of consumer behaviour. The funnel has become an infinite loop with conversion at its centre.

Infinity conversion loop

Measure your touchpoints with the same yardstick

But with a proliferation of online and offline touchpoints, how do you know which touchpoints are strongest at driving conversions, which ones need re-thinking, and where the whitespace lies to make the most out of your time and resources? How do you measure every single touchpoint with the same yardstick, when many platforms ringfence their analytics and data protection laws become increasingly more stringent? 

The whole journey needs to be measured to capture reality. Everything that a consumer experiences before a store, in the store, and after they’ve visited to capture each individual path to purchase. Without doing so risks misattribution. The right approaches and tools are needed to measure what happens, when it happens.

The Nepa Path to Purchase approach

We use a unique approach that combines continuously measured self-stated and behavioural data that enables us to map each individual path to purchase. By blending the two, brands get a fuller understanding of the ‘what’ and the ‘why’ of all touchpoints, and takes into account any cross-channel effects that may otherwise be missed. From this, detailed reports can be created that highlight the most influential factors driving consumers to convert.

Global powerhouse brands have used this information to tap into new audiences, increase basket frequency by leveraging omnichannel shopping behaviour, and drive up trade by understanding what their consumers want and where.

Our Path to Purchase recommendations

If you’re new to this way of measuring your consumer journeys, there are five things we recommend brands do in order to tame the chaos:

Bring all your data points onto the same playing field

You can’t improve what you can’t track. If you’re measuring your digital, physical, paid, unpaid, owned, and earned touchpoints in different ways, with different tools, in different teams, you’re going to be making decisions based on incomplete data.

Focus on the one metric that truly matters: Conversion

Everything a marketer and insights professional does should be towards one goal – Driving growth. Understanding the touchpoints that have the most impact to the most people means even small teams can optimise their marketing efforts for maximum impact.

Collect what happens, as it happens

Memories fade, so if you’re not collecting self-stated and behavioural data at the same time, it is easy to misattribute conversions to different touchpoints. Did the shopper buy your brand because they saw it in-store, or were the paid social media posts and UGC a more important part of their journey?

Map the entire journey

Nothing happens in a silo, so you need to understand the cross-channel effects of both online and offline marketing. Do your consumers experience a seamless experience across all platforms, or is there friction you need to improve upon to drive future growth?

If you would like some help simplifying and clarifying your complex consumer path to purchase, why not get in touch? We will also be hosting a webinar on the topic on the 28th August 2024 at 11.00 BST / 12.00 CEST. Find out more here.

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Nepa at IIEX 2024

July 02, 2024

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Karen Chandler

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It’s now been a week since Greenbook’s IIEX Europe event in Amsterdam, and the Nepa team have been reminiscing on the incredible time we had. Between insightful sessions, meeting brilliant minds, and hosting our exclusive supper club with brands such as Google, Philips, and Nestlé at the incredible cornerstore, we didn’t stop for two days!

What was everyone talking about?

Not unexpectedly, AI was the topic on many people’s lips. Many presentations, for instance those by Vesna Hajnsek from Swarovski and Lalo Luna & Tony Costella from The HEINKENEN Company, discussed how generative AI was being used to democratise their data.

Time and resource heavy tasks such as compiling information and answering queries are now being performed by AI, leaving their staff time to focus on the bigger picture; making strategic data-driven decisions that drive growth, and telling the best, most engaging stories.

And what were the best sessions?

IIEX Europe was a reminder of the power and the knowledge held by the insights community. The Nepa team were asked their favourite session, and this is what they said:

Senior Client Strategy Director Andrea Goeres picked Liam Laville from Just Eat’s presentation ‘How to elevate insight to decision-making’.

“I think this talk just summed up everything that was important for researchers and marketers in 2024. The insights’ function should be at the centre of every business, and in order to do that it really needs to be entrenched in the day-to-day life of everyone in the company.

To many in the boardroom, research can seem like a cost, rather than the value driver it has the potential to be for business.”

Business Development Director Jenny Palmgren’s choice was ‘Navigating a New Normal – Commercial Immune Response and How to Combat It’ by Tomas Ramsoy.

“Unsurprisingly for the topic, it was such a sharp and concise discussion on the importance of reducing friction in your comms.”

Senior Client Strategy Director Jenny Saxholm loved ‘Digging into Nestlé Purina’s Pet Care bag of tricks’ with Maud Hua-Bulteau.

Such an engaging and energetic talk! It was so interesting to hear about a launch not quite reaching expectations, the importance of pre-testing to avoid cannibalism of other brands in your portfolio, and most importantly winning fast and losing fast!

Account Director Sam Richardson enjoyed Vito Francone from Unilever’s talk on ‘How Dove uses True Consumer Value to Wash Away Competitors’.

Coming from a company that uses behavioural data in our solutions, it was interesting to hear how Unilever were using them to evaluate and improve on their packing and comms.

What event’s next for Nepa?

We’re delighted to announce that we have been chosen to speak for a third time at ESOMAR Congress this September, and ESOMAR Pacific in November. At Congress in Athens, we will be completing our MMM trilogy; Meta will be joining us on stage to present ‘Supercharge media optimization by unlocking the power of time’.

In Bangkok, Nepians Andrea Goeres and Patrick Dünzinger will be discussing Nepa’s unique behavioural data based paths to purchase methodology in ‘The death of the shopper marketing funnel: All roads lead to conversion’.

We hope to see as many of you as possible then, and if you’d like to join us for our supper club at either event, please email

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Paths to Purchase: What is it and why should brands care?

June 28, 2024

Karen Chandler

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In the ever-evolving landscape of consumer behaviour, understanding the Paths to Purchase is crucial for brands aiming to connect with their audience and drive conversions. The concept of “paths to purchase” encompasses the various stages and channels through which consumers journey before making a purchase decision. This journey has transformed significantly with the rise of digital technologies and the diversification of consumer behaviour, especially in the post-pandemic era.

Traditional Paths to Purchase stages

For many years, marketers have been taught that the traditional path to purchase follows a linear funnel, with distinct touchpoints guiding consumers to perform specific actions:


The first stage is where the consumer becomes aware of a product or service. It can be generated through various means, including advertising (both traditional and digital), social media, word-of-mouth, search engines, and other marketing efforts. Effective strategies in this stage often involve creating compelling content that captures attention and piques interest.


Once awareness is established, the consumer moves into the consideration stage. Here, they compare different options, evaluate competitors, and scrutinise prices, features, and benefits. They also heavily rely on customer feedback and reviews. Marketers can influence this stage by providing detailed product information, comparison tools, and showcasing positive customer testimonials.


In the purchase stage, the actual transaction takes place. This can occur online, in physical stores, or through direct sales channels. The key to success in this stage is providing a seamless and user-friendly purchasing experience. Offering multiple payment options, ensuring website usability, and providing excellent customer service can significantly enhance the likelihood of conversion.


Post-purchase, marketers often make efforts to retain the customer and keep them engaged and satisfied. Retention strategies might include sending thank-you emails, offering loyalty programmes, and creating exclusive content for existing customers.


The final stage sees satisfied consumers promote the product or service to others. This can involve activities such as user-generated content (UGC), referrals, testimonials, and other forms of social proof. Encouraging customers to share their positive experiences and rewarding them for referrals can amplify word-of-mouth marketing.

The modern Paths to Purchase stages

In today’s dynamic market, the Paths to Purchase have evolved from a distinct funnel to a more complex, non-linear journey. Modern consumers interact with brands across multiple touchpoints and platforms, often moving back and forth between stages. No touchpoint solely drives awareness, consideration, or loyalty. Instead, the funnel has morphed into an infinite loop with conversions at the centre.

Infinity conversion loop

Awareness and consideration now blend

In the digital age, awareness and consideration often overlap. A consumer might discover a product on Instagram, and simultaneously read reviews on Amazon and watch unboxing videos on YouTube. They might engage with brand content on their TikTok, participate in discussions on SnapChat, and compare alternatives on Reddit, all within the same session. This blending of stages requires brands to ensure consistency and cohesion across all touchpoints.

Purchase flexibility

Consumers now expect a seamless transition between online and offline channels. For instance, they might research products online and complete the purchase in a physical store, or vice versa. Brands must provide a unified shopping experience across all platforms to meet these new expectations.

Continuous engagement

Retention and advocacy now require continuous engagement rather than discrete post-purchase activities. Brands need to maintain an ongoing relationship with customers through personalised content, timely updates, and responsive customer service. Brand increasingly need to be more effective with leveraging their data to anticipate customer needs and preferences, thereby fostering loyalty, and encouraging advocacy.

Why does this matter to brands?

Understanding their specific Paths to Purchase is critical for brands to effectively allocate marketing budgets and resources. With no single ‘path’ to purchase, there is now a multitude of paths that a consumer can take to conversion, each different from the other and varying from one instance to the next. Brands must identify and quantify the touchpoints that are key to driving purchase conversion, determine when in the journey they are used, and understand why they are effective.

Evaluating all touchpoints

All touchpoints need to be evaluated with the same level of scrutiny – whether digital, physical, paid, unpaid, earned, or owned. This holistic approach ensures that marketing efforts are optimised and aligned with their unique consumer behaviours across all relevant channels.

How does Nepa measure Paths to Purchase?

Nepa’s approach to measuring Paths to Purchase is unique. By blending behavioural data from URL tracking with self-stated data from diaries, we provide a comprehensive view of the ‘what’ and the ‘why’ of all online and offline touchpoints. This dual approach allows for detailed analysis and reporting on the most influential touchpoints driving purchases and takes into account all cross-channel effects.

– Behavioural data

This involves tracking consumer actions and interactions across various digital platforms. This data provides insights into what consumers are doing – such as the websites they visit and the products they browse.

– Self-stated data

Collected through diaries and surveys, this captures the consumer’s perspective and motivations. This data reveals why consumers make certain decisions and what factors influence their behaviour.

– Using the data

By combining this data, Nepa can create detailed reports that identify the most influential touchpoints in driving purchases. These take into account any cross-channel effects that may occur, providing brands with a nuanced understanding of their consumer behaviours.

– Benefits for brands

Global powerhouse brands have utilised Nepa’s insights in various ways. For instance, they have grown their total category by tapping into new audiences, increased frequency or basket incidence by leveraging omnichannel shopping behaviour and driven up trade by understanding their audience’s needs.

Nepa’s Paths to Purchase in summary

Our best-in-class Paths to Purchase solution will help brands to:

– Bring all offline and online touchpoints onto the same playing field

By measuring all data points with the same yardstick, brands get a comprehensive view of consumer behaviour across all channels.

– Focus on the metric that truly matters: Conversions

Conversions are the ultimate goal, and by understanding the touchpoints that drive them, brands can optimise their marketing efforts for maximum impact.

– Collect what happens, where it happens

Understand exactly what consumers are doing, when, to understand what drives them to conversion.

– Map the entire omnichannel journey

By considering cross-channel effects, brands can create a cohesive and seamless consumer experience across all platforms.

– Invest in the touchpoints that really matter

Identifying the most effective touchpoints allows brands to rise above the noise and invest in areas that drive growth.

In conclusion, understanding the Paths to Purchase is essential for brands aiming to connect with today’s consumers. The journey to purchase is no longer a linear path but a complex, multi-faceted process. By leveraging insights from data analytics and adopting a holistic approach, brands can effectively navigate this journey, optimise their marketing strategies, and ultimately drive conversions. Nepa’s comprehensive Paths to Purchase solution provides the tools and insights needed to succeed in this dynamic landscape, helping brands to not only understand but also influence consumer behaviour across all touchpoints.

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Brand personality FAQ

May 16, 2024

Karen Chandler

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Here at Nepa we’ve worked with brands to define and explore their personalities for over a decade. We’re experts on the subject, but our clients often have questions. So, we’ve spoken with the team to compile a list of the most frequently asked brand personality questions.

What is brand personality?

It is the set of human-like traits and characteristics that a brand embodies. Like individuals have unique personalities, brands should also exhibit distinct traits to help shape how they are perceived by consumers

Why is brand personality important?

A strong personality humanises a brand, making it both distinctly different and relatable. It helps to build emotional connections with consumers, and as such can help foster loyalty, enhance the company’s equity, and drive long-term success.

How do you measure brand personality?

At its core, you need to understand how customers perceive or feel about your brand. Common strategies include surveys, qualitative research like interviews and focus groups, customer feedback analysis, brand archetype analysis, social media analysis, and competitive analysis.

Here at Nepa, we conduct Brand Touch studies that measures the true emotional position of your brand, and how its position relates to the drivers within your category, using a comprehensive yet simple framework that is grounded in validated psychology methods.

How many personalities should a brand have?

Ideally a brand should have one consistent personality that aligns with its values and messaging. However, if a brand targets diverse audiences or offers multiple product lines, it may tailor specific aspects to each audience or product category. The key is to ensure that each personality remains cohesive with the overall brand identity and values.

Can brand personality change over time?

Yes, they can evolve over time to adapt to changing market dynamics or strategic shifts. If a category has become crowded, many successful brands have moved into the personality whitespaces that consumers are looking for, but not served by. However, changes in should be implemented thoughtfully to maintain consistency and avoid alienating existing customers.

How can a brand personality be communicated effectively?

Effective communication of requires consistency across all omnichannel touchpoints, including marketing materials, social media channels, customer interactions, and product experiences. Aligning internal teams and adhering to brand guidelines are the key to maintaining a cohesive personality.

What is the difference between brand personality and brand identity?

Brand personality refers to the human characteristics or traits attributed to a brand, reflecting the emotional connection consumers have with it. On the other hand, brand identity encompasses the visual and tangible elements that represent a brand, such as its logo, colours, tone of voice, and core values.

What is the difference between brand personality and brand value?

Brand personality refers to how a brand behaves, communicates, and is perceived by customers, reflecting its persona and character. Conversely, brand values are the core beliefs and principles that guide a brand’s actions, decisions, and business strategy. They represent the ethical and philosophical foundation of the brand, guiding its behaviour and interactions with stakeholders.

What are some examples of brand personalities in the real world?

Known for its innovative and sophisticated personality, Apple embodies traits like creativity, innovation, and elegance. Its products and marketing reflect a sense of exclusivity and forward-thinking, appealing to consumers who value cutting-edge technology and sleek designs.

Nike’s personality is characterised by excitement, empowerment, and athleticism. Through its bold marketing campaigns and sponsorship of top athletes, the company inspires customers to push their limits and achieve greatness, fostering a sense of motivation and determination.

Tiffany & Co.
Tiffany & Co. exudes sophistication, luxury, and elegance, making it one of the most prestigious jewellery brands in the world. Its brand personality reflects qualities like charm, romance, and timeless beauty, appealing to customers who desire elegance and refinement.

Coca-Cola’s personality is characterised by sincerity, happiness, and nostalgia. With its iconic red branding and timeless slogans, the company evokes feelings of joy, togetherness, and optimism, making it a beloved symbol of shared moments and cherished memories.

Starbucks’ brand personality is warm, inviting, and community oriented. Through its cosy coffee shops and personalised customer experience, Starbucks fosters a sense of belonging, connection, and comfort, making it a beloved gathering place for coffee lovers around the world.

How do you define your brand’s personality?

If you need help, then a Brand Touch study from Nepa is a great start. 120-character traits and 8 personality segments are used to visualise your position in a simple, concrete, and actionable way. By measuring your brand via human characteristics, you can understand your current positioning, and how this relates to the rest of your market. With Brand Touch 3.0, we help you unlock the future with our new market opportunity maps open whitespaces for growth that can help your brand build future success.

By aligning your brand personality with your values and messaging, you can create a cohesive and memorable identity that resonates with your target audience. With our expertise in Brand Touch studies, we can help you visualize your brand’s position in the market and unlock opportunities for future growth. Whether you’re a seasoned brand or just starting out, defining your brand personality is essential for standing out in today’s competitive landscape.

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Creating a brand identity that resonates with your audience

May 13, 2024

A birds-eye view of people discussing brand identity

Karen Chandler

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One of the most effective ways to differentiate your business has always been to create a strong brand identity. Think Coca-Cola. Just the name conjures up images of its iconic red logo. But is this the only thing that defines Coca-Cola’s brand identity? No, it’s the whole brand experience, from fonts and packaging to advertising campaigns and customer interactions. 

What is a brand identity?

At its core, a brand identity is the visual and content representation of a company’s personality. It encompasses elements such as logos, colours, fonts, messaging, and more; all of which create a holistic expression of what the brand stands for. With crowded markets where consumers are bombarded with choices, a strong brand identity can help businesses cut through the noise to make a lasting impression. 

What makes a strong brand identity?

It’s not one thing. Building a strong brand identity involves several key elements: 


A brand’s logo is its most recognizable symbol and serves as its visual anchor. It should be distinctive, memorable, and reflect the company’s personality. Take Coca-Cola, for instance. Its logo, featuring the iconic red script text, is instantly recognisable worldwide. The flowing script font exudes a sense of warmth, friendliness, and tradition, aligning perfectly with Coca-Cola’s brand personality of happiness, enjoyment, and nostalgia. The logo’s red colour, vibrant and energetic, further reinforces these characteristics, making it a powerful representation of the brand’s identity. 

Colour palette 

Colours evoke emotions and can have a significant impact on how a brand is perceived by consumers. Red, for example is often associated with passion, excitement, and energy. Brands like Coca-Cola and Red Bull use red in their logos to evoke feelings of vitality and dynamism. Yellow, on the other hand, is associated with optimism, happiness, and creativity. Brands like McDonald’s and IKEA use yellow to create a cheerful and inviting atmosphere for their customers. 


Fonts play a crucial role in conveying a brand’s tone and personality. Script fonts, like Coca-Cola’s and Disney’s mimic handwriting and are often associated with elegance, femininity, and creativity. They can add a personal touch to a brand’s identity and evoke feelings of warmth and sophistication. Conversely, display fonts such as those used by Netflix and Spotify, are decorative and attention-grabbing, making them ideal to convey a bold and dynamic personality. These fonts often evoke a sense of creativity, innovation, and originality, which can be particularly appealing to audiences who value uniqueness and excitement. 

Brand voice 

Consistent messaging is key to establishing a strong brand voice audience. Take Coca-Cola, as the example. Whether it’s their iconic “Open happiness” campaign or the more recent “Taste the feeling,” the brand consistently delivers messages that evoke emotions of joy, positivity, and togetherness. These messages are not only reflected in their advertisements but also in their social media content, website copy, and even customer interactions. By maintaining this consistent brand voice across all channels, Coca-Cola has successfully ingrained its values and personality into the minds of consumers worldwide, fostering a strong emotional connection that goes beyond just a refreshing beverage. 

Imagery and design elements 

Visual elements such as images, graphics, and design elements play a crucial role in conveying a brand’s personality and values, and Coca-Cola is a prime example of this. From their classic red colour scheme to the iconic ribbon-like imagery featured on their cans, every visual aspect of branding is consistent with their brand’s identity. 

By combining these with templates and guidelines that can be used throughout a business, and by carefully considering each of these elements and how they interact with one another, a company can create a cohesive brand identity that leaves a lasting impression. 

Why is having a strong brand identity important?

A strong brand identity serves as the foundation upon which all marketing efforts are built, providing a clear and cohesive framework for how the brand is perceived and experienced by consumers. 


In a crowded marketplace, a distinct brand identity helps a business stand out from competitors and attract the attention of potential customers. 

Trust and loyalty 

Consistency in branding builds trust and fosters loyalty among customers. When consumers know what to expect from your brand, they are more likely to become repeat customers and brand advocates. 

Marketing effectiveness 

A cohesive brand identity supports marketing efforts by creating a memorable and recognisable image. Consistent branding across all channels increases brand recall and enhances the effectiveness of marketing campaigns.  

Business success 

Ultimately, a strong brand identity contributes to the overall success and growth of a business. By increasing brand awareness, recognition, and customer engagement, it can help drive sales and revenue growth. 

Why taking a step back is important before speaking with a brand agency

Everything we’ve discussed in this blog are important elements to build a strong brand identity (and Nepa’s Brand Asset studies can help here!). However, before engaging with a brand agency or designer to help you create or rebrand your product or service, it’s crucial to take a step back and conduct thorough research and introspection. Here’s why: 

Audience analysis 

Understanding your target audience’s demographics, preferences, and pain points is essential for crafting a brand identity that resonates with them. A Brand Touch study, for instance, can help you not only identify how your brand is currently perceived by consumers, but the personality traits that are currently contributing to success and those that you should highlight with your brand identity. 

If you’re interested in learning more about Brand Touch, why not read out latest blog post? 

Brand values and mission 

Clarifying your brand’s values, mission, and vision provides a clear direction for developing your brand identity. Your brand identity should authentically reflect who you are as a company and what you stand for.  

Competitive analysis 

Assessing your competitors’ branding strategies can help you identify gaps and opportunities for differentiation. By understanding what sets your brand apart from the competition, you can position yourself more effectively in the market. A Brand Touch study can help you understand how both you and your competition are perceived by your consumers, and therefore identify potential whitespace to shift your brand identity for growth. Should Coca Cola focus on their reliable or confident sides, for example? 

In conclusion, creating a brand identity that resonates with your audience requires careful consideration of various elements, including your logo, colour palette, typography, brand voice, imagery, and design elements. By building a cohesive brand identity that reflects your values, mission, and vision, you can differentiate your business, build trust and loyalty among customers, and ultimately drive success and growth. However, it’s essential to take a step back and conduct thorough research to ensure that you understand how to portray your brand, and where potential whitespace in the market lies to help you stand out. 

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How to find your brand’s whitespace opportunities

May 08, 2024

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Karen Chandler

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Brands trying to increase their share of wallet often start at the end of the process. Money is spent on concept testing and ads, but in many cases they would do better off by taking one step back. “How is their brand currently perceived?”. “What do consumers think of the competition?”. And one of the most important questions “Where are the whitespace opportunities in the category”? With this knowledge, they can pinpoint the areas for growth and differentiate their messaging from their rivals. Ultimately this means they can create content that truly resonates with consumer needs.

Understanding whitespace opportunities

A whitespace opportunity refers to an untapped or unmet need in the market that presents a potential area for differentiation. It’s where a brand can carve out a distinct position and offer something unique and valuable to customers that competitors are not currently providing. In essence, whitespace opportunities represent fertile ground for growth and expansion.

With fierce competition and constantly evolving customer expectations, identifying whitespace opportunities has become increasingly crucial for marketers. Brands that can successfully identify and capitalise on these opportunities gain a competitive edge, drive innovation, and fuel long-term growth.

Why whitespace opportunities matter

In a crowded and commoditized market, simply trying to outperform competitors on existing dimensions is no longer sufficient. As the adage goes, “If you try to be the best at everything, you become the best at nothing.” Instead, brands must strive to be unique and differentiate themselves from the competition.

Whitespace opportunities offer a strategic pathway for achieving this differentiation. By identifying areas where customer needs are unmet or underserved, brands can tailor their products, services, and in particular their messaging to effectively address these needs. This not only enhances customer satisfaction and loyalty but also enables brands to command premium pricing and capture market share.

Moreover, whitespace opportunities drive innovation and propel brands forward in dynamic and evolving markets. By continually seeking out new areas for growth and expansion, brands can stay ahead of the curve, anticipate market trends, and maintain relevance with customers.

Practical strategies for finding whitespace

Now that we’ve established the importance of whitespace opportunities, let’s delve into practical strategies for uncovering them:

Leverage attribution mapping

Attribution mapping is a powerful technique for identifying your brand’s most profitable dimensions and areas of differentiation. By mapping key attributes of your market and competitors, you can pinpoint whitespace opportunities that align with your brand’s strengths and values.

Refine your brand positioning

Take a close look at your brand’s positioning and messaging to ensure they align with whitespace opportunities in the market. Consider how you can differentiate your brand from competitors by highlighting unique value propositions and addressing unmet customer needs.

Innovate and iterate

Don’t be afraid to innovate and iterate on your products, services, and business models to capitalise on whitespace opportunities. Continuously seek feedback from customers, test new ideas, and refine your offerings based on market demand and trends.

Brand Touch and whitespace

Our Brand Touch solution can help you do all of this by measuring the true emotional position of your brand, and how this relates to drivers within your category. 120 character traits and 8 personality segments are used to visualise your position in a simple, concrete, and actionable way. By measuring your brand via human characteristics, you can understand your exactly where the whitespace opportunities lie.

Finding whitespace in the streaming industry

Our client was a well-known streaming provider in the Nordics, but was entering a new market where they had little name recognition. The top 3 streamers in the market were all fighting over owning the “Entertainer” profile with comms referencing an “emotional” and “creative” identity. There was no space for our client to compete here.

We identified an unmet need for a brand to own the Influencer/ Entrepreneur personalities that wasn’t being addressed in the market. We concluded that consumers would be receptive to a streamer that was proud of both its high-quality content and, as a result, its premium prices. The brand’s Nordic heritage was also a key to exuding the trust and reliability that all streamers were expected to have in the market.

By responding to unmet consumer positioning needs as a fun, self-confident, playfully arrogant “new kid on the block”, our client entered the new market with a bang, immediately standing out in a crowded field.

In conclusion, whitespace opportunities represent untapped potential for brands to differentiate themselves, drive innovation, and achieve sustainable growth. By adopting a strategic approach to identifying and exploiting these opportunities, brands can position themselves for long-term success. So, embrace the challenge, explore the possibilities, and unlock the full potential of your brand’s whitespace opportunities.

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How to position your brand to increase share and distinctiveness | Introducing Brand Touch 3.0

May 03, 2024

Woman working on a Brand Touch study

Karen Chandler

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Brands trying to increase their share of wallet or relevance often start at the end of the process, with concept testing and ad spend. But before this, you need to understand your brand and category on a fundamental level. Who is my brand today? What is my ideal position? How do people view my competition? Where and how can I grow my brand?

Brand Touch measures the true emotional position of your brand, and how this relates to drivers within your category. 120 character traits and 8 personality segments are used to visualise your position in a simple, concrete, and actionable way. By measuring your brand via human characteristics, you can understand your current positioning, and how this relates to the rest of your market. With Brand Touch 3.0, we move from this present positioning to unlock the future. Our new market opportunity maps open up whitespaces for growth that can help your brand build future success.

Business question 1

How does my audience perceive my brand’s personality?

Brand Touch positions your brand, category, and competition on a map based on the Five Factor model, to reveal your brand’s true positioning. It offers you the insights to quantify your brand’s emotional relevance and know where to go next.

Business question 2

How does my brand sit in the competitive landscape?

Understanding your brand in isolation is one thing – Seeing how you compare to the market is another. Brand Touch shows how your brand is perceived versus your competitors, and which character traits are important to your category.

Business question 3

How do I stand out in the crowded category landscape?

Many brands position themselves in the same way and target the same types of personality. Brand Touch can be used to strip out all of the noise in your positioning, and uncover the distinctive characteristics you should move front and centre in your comms to stand out in a crowded market.

Business question 4

What shifts can I make with my positioning to grow?

By mapping your category’s unmet needs, you can uncover the attributes you should focus on in your brand identity and comms to truly grow. Brand Touch gives you the data to shift your branding in a credible and successful way.

Brand Touch 3.0 offers a comprehensive solution for brands seeking to increase their share and relevance in the market. By measuring the true emotional position of your brand and its alignment with category drivers, the solution provides actionable insights to guide strategic decisions. With new market opportunity maps that uncover whitespace for growth, Brand Touch empowers brands to win in their category.

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10 years of Nepa in Finland

April 24, 2024

Nepa Finland 10 Years

Olivia Miettinen

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“Thank you to everyone who joined us in celebrating Nepa Finland’s 10 year birthday last week! Your presence made the occasion truly memorable and marked a decade of meaningful partnerships and growth.”

Milla Westerlund, Maija Heino, and Mileena Aniszewski

Last week was a momentous occasion for the Helsinki-based Nepa team, as we celebrated a decade of Nepa in Finland. We hosted an insights afternoon in the glorious Garden by Olo, where we were joined by faces both old and new to toast to the last 10 years, alongside talks from Nepa’s Brand Tracking Lead Cajsa Wirén and Senior Analyst John Palm, and special guest, K-Group’s Insight Lead Milla Sorsakivi.

Nepa’s CEO Anders Dahl kicked off the event by thanking everyone who had supported our Finland office’s 10-year journey, after which Cajsa Wirén presented her talk on the future of Nepa and marketing effectiveness insights.

In her discussion, Cajsa highlighted how today’s fragmented media landscape, combined with an explosion of data points that need to be measured, the challenge becomes how we can make all this fit together. By combining Marketing Mix Modelling, Brand Tracking and Campaign Pulse campaign evaluations, a 360-degree view of marketing actions and their effects can be captured. Cajsa concluded with the exciting announcement that Nepa are in the process of developing combining all three into one powerful system, that will empower our clients to make comprehensive, data-driven decisions with greater ease and confidence.

John Palm then continued the afternoon talking about our brand positioning tool Brand Touch, teasing the changes that will be launched over the next few months. In his presentation, he discussed how important an emotional bond is to how people choose brands, and that people often buy products they can relate to on an emotional level. Through Brand Touch, you can understand how you’re currently seen versus your competitors, where your whitespaces are, and how to communicate in order to grow.

Guest speaker Milla Sorsakivi, Insight Lead at K-Group, presented the company’s loyalty funnel framework. Developed to better understand customer drivers in their different stages of loyalty.

One theme that was highlighted in the talks and in the discussion with the event attendees was the role of people and culture in really making the most of data. Cajsa highlighted in her speech that to use data effectively, trust, and acceptance towards data must be built in a company; some of which can be achieved by being transparent about what data is used and how it’s measured. Additionally, guest speaker Milla pointed out that building a data-focused culture is a long-term process. The key is to have an ongoing dialogue with people across the business, so the internal teams have real-life examples of how data and insights can complement their roles, and to build excitement about the results.

We would like to say a huge thank you to everyone who attended our birthday event, everyone who sent kind words, and everyone who has contributed to the success of Nepa in Finland over the last 10 years, be they clients, staff, or suppliers. Here’s to the next ten years!

This blog post was written by Nepa Finland Insight Consultant Olivia Miettinen and Junior Analyst Heini Suvivuo.

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Transform insights into action

April 23, 2024

People discussing insights in a group from a birds-eye POV

Karen Chandler

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Converting insights into actionable measures has always been a critical challenge faced by marketers and insights managers. In order to effectively navigate the pitfalls and challenges, it is essential that brands adopt a strategic approach that maximises the value of their insights, be they from Brand Trackers, MMMs, Campaign Evaluations, or other types of market research. Here are five key strategies that we at Nepa think transform insights into action, and help drive business success.

People discussing insights

1. Set goal-driven objectives

Even before collecting your data, it’s important to set clear goals for what you want to achieve, be they brand awareness, market expansion, or any other strategic plans. Doing this ensures that any data analysis focuses on extracting insights that directly contribute to achieving these goals. Establishing clear measurement objectives, aligned with key performance indicators (KPIs), enables your brand to track progress and see how and where your marketing communications need amending.

2. Contextualise your insights

Context is key when it comes to transforming insights into actionable strategies. By considering factors such as who, what, when, why, and where, organisations can provide background that enhances the relevance and relatability of the insights. By looking beyond isolated data points, brands can identify broader trends, providing a deeper understanding of market dynamics and consumer behaviour. Recognizing patterns and trends enables brands to uncover new opportunities and whitespaces that offer them a strategic advantage.

3. Ensure effective insights communication

Insights must be communicated clearly and comprehensively across the business to ensure that they are easily understood, simple to action, and embedded in all departments. Reporting information creatively and consistently, with engaging formats, makes them more impactful.

4. Continuously analyse, test, and learn

Continuous analysis is the cornerstone of effective data utilisation. Hypothesis formulation and testing play a pivotal role in making the most of your data. By doing so you can refine your strategies and drive continuous improvement.

5. Create a data-driven culture

Building stakeholder-researcher relationships is integral to effective insight activations. Utilising visualisation techniques to add context to insights, encouraging immediate action, and asking questions about what your team really find important helps create a data-driven culture. Moreover, democratising data empowers your stakeholders, fostering collaboration and informed decision-making across teams. This helps to develop a common business language that has data at its core.

By following these five key strategies, organisations can effectively transform raw data into actionable insights; driving informed decision-making, enhancing operational efficiencies, and achieving business success in today’s data-driven landscape.

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