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Benefits of Path to Purchase Analysis

The path to purchase in today’s omnichannel world is difficult to navigate and can be a nightmare for companies wanting to understand how their consumers interact with their products or services. What touchpoints did the consumer encounter before a purchase and which of these had the greatest impact? The answers to these questions are essential for optimising your marketing spend, ensuring that both you and the consumer benefit from every touchpoint.

Have you ever wondered why you ended up buying from one company instead of another? It may be small things like a slogan, or the layout of a store. Or maybe it was the interactions you had with the staff in a digital or physical environment. It is hard to remember every step of the way, so trying to understand the impact from the outside is not an easy feat. With the path to purchase model, this has at least been made easier, and the benefits are truly amazing.

1. Understand the touchpoints that drive sales

This is at the heart of the path to purchase model, as you really want to understand what steps customers made in their journey before deciding to commit to your brand. By looking at several thousand different customer journeys, patterns start to emerge. This allows you to understand what touchpoints make consumers continue to pursue your brand or simply slip away.

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2. Measure both online and offline touchpoints

Only focusing on one channel, whether it be online or offline, means you are probably missing one or several crucial parts of the customer journey. This is why our path to purchase solution focuses on the whole picture. This is done through device-tracking, diaries, triggered surveys and spontaneous feedback. Giving you one unified view, so that you can analyse and compare your true omnichannel conversion effectiveness.

3. Gain insights into consumer motivation

Through the many sources of information that the path to purchase model uses, you see precisely what motivates different customer groups. This then allows you to better optimise your touchpoints for various consumer segments, ultimately increasing conversion.

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4. Find the sweet spot using synergies

A consumer is never converted through only one touchpoint, but through a combination. Therefore, understanding what synergies various touchpoints have, and combining them for optimal performance is one of the key benefits of our Path To Purchase Analytics Solution.

We will provide deep and profound insights into how your customers actually became customers. With this information at hand, our sensemakers will help you to adjust your various touchpoints to orchestrate a conversion concerto, attracting more consumers to your brand.

Want to know more about path to purchase? Contact our P2P-experts and we’ll tell you all about it!