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Nepa in Amsterdam | ESOMAR Congress 2023

ESOMAR Congress is over for another year, and what a Congress it was for Nepa. Artificial Intelligence was the buzz word of the week, with sessions on topics such as using predictive analytics and natural language processing to revolutionise your marketing strategy and unlocking travel’s new frontier with AI-powered dream destination bookings. And we were also there to talk AI!

The Young ESOMAR Society (YES) Awards

Nepa Data Scientist Valere Demelier was chosen as one of the nine brightest young research minds to present at this year’s conference. A 60-second pitch was voted on by conference attendees, and the three with the most votes were invited back the next day to showcase their full presentation.

Valere’s topic was the one on everyone’s lips at the event – Artificial Intelligence. He showcased a project he worked on with a large global retailer who wanted to learn more about what their key personas searched for online.

AI and machine learning were used to cluster millions of search terms into specific segments, identifying which topics each digital consumer profile was interested in. Not only did machine learning speed up the analysis, but using GPT technology made the reporting more accurate.

Valere won silver for his presentation.

This year I was invited to ESOMAR Congress 2023 as a YES awards finalist, where I was delighted to have won the silver award. The congress was an incredible experience filled with inspiring presentations, innovative research projects, and new friends.

Amongst the many incredible papers presented one of my favourites was the brilliant “Uncovering the Human Voice for Deep Insights”. This presentation elegantly explored how consumers build relationships with brands they interact and over time develop “Brand Love”. The integration of market research and psychology concepts as well as advanced language modelling techniques created a compelling story rooted in sound research methods and powerful conclusions and real-world implications.”, said Valere.

The New Marketing Renaissance

Nepa‘s R&D Manager Cajsa Wirén joined forces with Klarna Bank‘s Global Consumer Insights Manger to present their talk on how to merge the creative with the technical.

There are high demands on marketers today. They need to produce content of such high quality that people actively want to consume it, whilst understanding the technicalities of tailoring content to the multitude of different channels. They also simultaneously need to not get lost in all the choices, and overlook the fundamentals for a successful campaign, be it objectives, measurement KPIs or execution: a true DaVincian feat!

The talk covered how new techniques can be applied to Marketing Mix Modeling to specifically measure creative quality, thereby providing insights on how this quality relates directly back to market effectiveness.

The full paper can be found here.

Dynata RISE Awards 2023

Nepa won the Market Research Agency category (EMEA) in Dynata’s 2023 RISE awards. Nepa’s Chief Product Officer Robert Beatus collected the trophy that assessed Dynata’s best-performing clients, with a focus on respondent engagement.
Read more about this award here.

Nepa’s Interim CEO Ferry Wolswinkel commented: “This was my first year at ESOMAR Congress, and what a first year it was. I was immensely proud to see Nepa’s Data Scientist Valere earn a well-deserved silver medal at the YES Awards, and receiving Dynata’s RISE award is truly a testament of the hard work put into our surveys by our teams globally.

I would also like to thank Klarna’s Karin Haglund for joining R&D Manager Cajsa Wiren on the Supercharger stage to present ‘The New Marketing Renaissance’. Such an inspiring session by both”.