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Nepa’s Brand Tracking Dashboard

The key to building a strong brand is to think long-term. Short-term sales activation can be highly profitable and efficient, but if you’re looking to build an enduring brand you also need to focus on the future.

To plot your best route for long-term success, you need to understand exactly how your brand is currently sitting in the marketplace. Nepa’s Brand Tracking dashboard looks beyond the obvious KPIs, and gives you ‘always on’ insights into your identity, reputation, and competition. These can help you confidently inform your future business plans, alongside giving you the data needed to justify your investments.

What makes our Brand Tracking dashboard so useful?

There are many reasons global brands choose Nepa’s Brand Tracking dashboard and find it such a key weapon in their marketing arsenal. As the Insight Manager for multinational telecoms operator Telenor told us “We love the Nepa dashboard, which is a valuable, hands-on tool to quickly help us with market insights.”

It gives you a holistic view

Different businesses have different priorities, which is why our Brand Tracker can be configured to give you a view of the metrics that matter most for your brand, from its strength and positioning, to your media performance and NPS. It also puts your brand in perspective by looking at the stats of your entire market, making sure you won’t miss any early warning signs.

It’s great for companies with different categories, channels, and markets, as all tracking and operational data can be combined in one place. You can therefore compare results, and see at a glance what is working and where you can improve.

Brand Tracking Dashboard Market's View

It’s ‘always on’

You don’t need to download separate software to access our dashboard, which means that your tracking data can be accessed from anywhere, at any time, by anyone who has been set up with a username and password. But you don’t need to worry about security – each dashboard has its own access control.

As it’s ‘always on’, all departments and locations can access the tracking data to see the effects of their region-specific campaigns, in close to real-time. This means that the data won’t get siloed, and can be used as a business tool to make informed decisions throughout the company.

It allows you to capitalise on fast-emerging trends

The dynamically updated dashboard gives you the data to make faster, better decisions. Being the first to react to fast-emerging trends always gives a brand the competitive edge. Understanding the real-time effectiveness of specific marketing activities and messaging gives your brand the knowledge of where to focus your energy going forward, to both act on hidden opportunities and protect against threats.

It’s continuous

A big drawback of many Brand Trackers is that measurements are periodic, via quota sampling. In most cases this methodology struggles to pick up real-world changes as it just takes a ‘snap-shot’ in time. Our tracking data is continuous, meaning that as your positioning and market share evolve, so do your insights, offering you the clarity to make the right choices.

You can trust your data

Brand Tracking is a great tool. But like all tools, not all are born equal. Depending on the methodologies used, Brand Tracking is not always precise enough. It can be a challenge to separate the signal from the noise of natural random error in a sample.

This is where our proprietary algorithm Brand Noise Reduction comes in. It analyses all of the respondent’s data, identifies correlations between their answer patterns, and how these fluctuate over a period of time. As a result, Brand Noise Reduction can distinguish between plain sample variations, and those that reflect real market changes. It has been proven to reduce random errors by up to 50%, boosting data accuracy and opening up possibilities for a more granular brand analysis.

Read more about Brand Noise Reduction here.

It’s easy to use

Many in the industry rely on standard PowerPoints or PDFs for their deliveries. Our Brand Tracking dashboard, however, is a much more interactive affair. You can view your data in a multitude of ways – broken down into different time periods, categories, and metrics. It also allows you to share insights across your organisation directly from the platform via a simple export, making data sharing simple.  

However, there are chances that you’ll have some questions when using your Brand Tracking dashboard. Whilst user guides and FAQs are great, sometimes you just want to ask a real person. This is why your Brand Tracking dashboard comes with a host of human experts to help you really make the most of your investment.

And what’s still to come?

Over the coming year we will be combining our Brand Tracking dashboard with our other Marketing Intelligence suite products; MMM and Campaign Evaluations. Our dashboard will become your one-stop shop for all of your marketing insights!