
Brand Tracking

Manage, track, and grow your brand with always-on, actionable insights.

Marketing Mix Modelling

Monitor and optimise the long and short-term effects of your marketing efforts.

Campaign Evaluation

Measure and track your campaign’s performance before, after, and as it happens.

The details

Can certain personality traits be bad for a brand?

Superman or Lex Luthor? Good or evil? Does it matter if your brand exhibits the same personality traits as a supervillain? Our latest whitepaper takes you through why being perceived the same as a so-called baddie can actually be beneficial in a highly competitive market. Distinctive brands who know who they are stand the test of time.

The research starts with takes 14 famous superheroes & villains and 10 car brands. These are then measured and analysed using our proprietary solution Brand Touch. Parameters such as extroversion and agreeableness were evaluated, plotted, and graphed to create a detailed analysis of where each sits on the scale.

So you’ll be able to find out if Gucci​ is more Batman or the Joker, and if Tesla is more Wolverine or Magneto.

Download the full appendix here.

We will also be hosting a webinar on this topic Thursday 22nd June 2023. Sign up here.

Superman and Lex Luthor's Brant Touch maps
Read the whitepaper