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Event: Level up your CX

February 15, 2018

Sam Richardson

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Welcome to an exclusive opportunity to “Level Up your Customer Experience”. It´s a free CX seminar that is being held in Stockholm March 20th and then in Helsinki March 22nd.

This event promise to inspire CX professionals with ways to improve CX Insight programs – whether just starting out or looking to revamp a long standing program. Don´t miss out on this opportunity to learn and network with other CX professionals.

Whether you will join us in Stockholm or Helsinki, you will personally meet and listen to our keynote speaker Luke Williams, New York Times Best Selling Author of “The Wallet Allocation Rule”.

Keynote speakers in Stockholm:

  • Luke Williams, New York Times Best Selling Author of “The Wallet allocation Rule”.
  • Niclas Öhman, Founder of Stockholm School of Economics Retail program.
  • More to come…

Keynote speakers in Helsinki:

  • Luke Williams, New York Times Best Selling Author of “The Wallet allocation Rule”.
  • Kati Sulin, Chief Digital Officer at DNA.
  • Kalle Peltola, Director, Marketing & Sales at Finnkino.


Stockholm, March 20th

Helsinki, march 22nd

Space is limited so be sure to register now!