
Brand Tracking

Manage, track, and grow your brand with always-on, actionable insights.

Marketing Mix Modelling

Monitor and optimise the long and short-term effects of your marketing efforts.

Campaign Evaluation

Measure and track your campaign’s performance before, after, and as it happens.

Eric Gustavsson

Board member


MSc in Finance and Accounting from the Stockholm School of Economics

Born, dependency:

Born in 1988 and board members since 2024. Independent in relation to the company, and in relation to major shareholders.

Other current positions:

Board member in Efecte Plc


Eric is a Director of Strategy and M&A at twoday where he sits on the group management team. He currently serves on the board of Efecte Plc and has previously served on the boards of Iver AB and IP-Only AB. Eric has previous experience as Head of M&A and CorpDev at Edisen and began his career as an investment professional across both private and public equity markets.

Number of shares: