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3 Key Takeaways from The National Grocers Association Show 2019

March 04, 2019

Sam Richardson

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As someone who has worked in the customer experience space for over 20 years, across multiple industries, I was happy to bring it back home to my earlier days by attending this year’s NGA Show in San Diego. Right away it was easy to see what a great representation this year’s conference was in showcasing the growing number of resources available to independent grocers – who are competing in today’s technology driven world.  As I reflect on the providers and exhibitors, I’m left with dozens of takeaways, however below I havsae prioritized on my top three:

1. Mobile Mania & Omnichannel Omnipresence

It’s really no surprise that mobile accessibility is key to winning and keeping customers.  From independents up to the largest chains, many shoppers are using a mobile device to research grocery purchases, build shopping lists and pay. And today, price comparison only accounts for a small part of that research. Keeping things like ingredients and brand reputations in mind, this means grocers will need to have a seamless experience at all levels: online, mobile app and in-store.

It’s no longer enough for CPG brands to understand the omnichannel path-to-purchase, but retailers also need to step up their game.  Pay by mobile is increasingly an expectation, and if a retailer doesn’t already accept mobile payment, they are behind.  It was Steve Bishop who said it best in his presentation, “Independent retailers need to consider how to make it seamless for shoppers to move between online and in-store.”

2. Marketing (R)Evolution

Creative marketing can be a real win for local grocery retailers – whether an independent or large chain.  While traditional mailers and circulars are still a key aspect of the advertising push, the drawing power of a low-cost YouTube video can really maximize returns in marketing.  It doesn’t have to be Academy Award winning. It can be about your stores’ core beliefs or even footage from a service event. At the end of the day, it just has to be authentic and show your customers the respect you have for them.

3. Experience Maximization

Brick and mortar store locations can meet future shopper expectations by taking advantage of readily available technology and continuously working to improve the overall experience.  Advances in mobile technology are available to help shoppers find the right aisle, pick the right product and even market to them while in store.

Smart home devices will start to roll out into grocery stores to provide that same type of assistance and, eventually, work between store and home (“Alexa – can you tell me how many rolls of paper towels I have left?”). Despite the emphasis on technology, the in-store experience will continue to be significant. No matter your store size, it will be essential to evaluate and measure customer experience and more importantly, further enhance it with actions that drive profitability. Not everyone can afford a data scientist, but everyone will need to be able to respond to data.

It is not by mistake that I have mentioned technology numerous times. Over the past few days I met with at least a dozen “data aggregators”– everything from basket data, to SKU analysis to inventory. Almost every retailer I spoke with talked about the changes from just two years ago when all focus was on product variety and traditional marketing.

Today, experts in the industry have recognized that gathering data is essential for the future success of a business. I would take it a step further to suggest that it is essential for the future success of a business to know how to take action on that data. Having a dedicated function at every location isn’t always possible. However, having a road map to achieve and partners that support you in that effort will always help you win with your customers.  As the grocery industry continues to go through massive change, a huge opportunity exists for retailers that use data to deliver omnichannel experiences that meet their customers changing needs.

Blog Posts

5 Key Takeaways – National Sports Forum 2019

February 19, 2019

Sam Richardson

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I recently attended my first National Sports Forum in Las Vegas and, Wow – what an event for the sports business enthusiast! It’s a big show and I was fortunate to have a veteran tour guide, Steve Livingstone, Head of Nepa Global Sports. As Steve and I reflected on the seminars and conversations, here are 5 things that stood out most:

1. Clubs ‘Engagement’ Focus Risks Fan Experience

Sports business leaders are enthusiastic about “fan engagement.” Many teams and their partners were discussing ways to involve the fan in more aspects of the game. It struck us how few were talking to fans about their view of the “experience.”

Since Valentine’s Day just passed, I’ll use a dating example to demonstrate experience vs. engagement. A husband goes all out for a date night: flowers, car service, dinner, theater, etc. He spends hours in planning and several hundred dollars on the evening. However, what she really wanted was the two hours of just the two of them together. In the end, it was all great and very appreciated, but if he had just asked, he would have known that a nice quiet dinner would’ve been enough. And saved some time, effort and money in the process. And remember, those expectations are now higher for next year. Think of your fans in the same way – take some time just to ask what they want directly.

2. Maximize Sponsorships by Understanding Affinity

Not surprisingly, the topic of maximizing sponsorship came up often at NSF. Taking that all in, sponsorship value is at its best when fans’ passions intersect with sponsor’s offers. That doesn’t mean 100% engagement with every sponsor, but those partnerships should relate based on the fans’ demographics, interests and buying behaviors. If that’s the case, it will be a mutually rewarding proposition for the fan, the team and the sponsors. You shouldn’t leave one party out of that mix, or all three suffer.  If the sponsors don’t experience an uplift of the sales from fans, they won’t renew – leading to lost revenue that impacts what the club can do for the fans.

Teams can avoid this trap with strong measurement – not just in sales or attendance, but also a measurable affinity. Again, talk to your fans and establish KPIs that will help you evaluate the success of sponsorships, including those that can be tied directly to valuation.

3. Drowning in Data

Teams are getting more data, but doing relatively less with it. Market data, fan data, attendance data, merchandise & concessions data – I saw an NSF presentation about data that corresponds to movements within the stadium to evaluate concessionaires and seating in sections. With all this data, teams are often left with generic takeaways from a single source of data. It is understandable that most teams don’t employ a full-time data scientist, but it’s also important that they understand where data should be merged, where there are gaps and how that data can benefit the entire organization.

4. Play as a Team

Even in a small environment, teams seemingly operate separately from one another.  You can find the best example of this when speaking with two members of the same team in different departments.  While speaking with them on current projects, one brought up specifics in their marketing initiatives, which prompted the other to respond, “I wish I had known that earlier, we could have used that information in selling tickets.”  Even in smaller offices, teamwork sometimes is overshadowed – not necessarily maliciously, but often as a result of everyone trying to focus on their own job.  It may require someone taking the initiative, but your fan engagement, fan experience, ticket sales, events and sponsorships can – and should – all be working together.

5. You Can’t Please Everyone

Recognize that you can never please 100% of the people 100% of the time. That even goes for everything above – don’t expect a one-size-fits-all approach. I’ll summarize this idea in one of the most memorable session takeaways, when Las Vegas Aviators VP Chuck Johnson said there will always be CAVE people.  What are CAVE people? They are “Citizens Against Virtually Everything.” That sums it up quite well.

I’m sure many of you walked away with some great takeaways. For me, an overarching theme was – the time is now.  Sports will continue to evolve, fans will continue to evolve and their business together will continue to evolve.  I heard several times that front offices can no longer afford to wait, things are moving far too fast.  Measure now, analyze now, evaluate now and win as a team now. I’m looking forward to NSF ’20, where I’m sure we’ll hear teams talking more about “Fan Experience.”