
Brand Tracking

Manage, track, and grow your brand with always-on, actionable insights.

Marketing Mix Modelling

Monitor and optimise the long and short-term effects of your marketing efforts.

Campaign Evaluation

Measure and track your campaign’s performance before, after, and as it happens.

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Transform insights into action

April 23, 2024

People discussing insights in a group from a birds-eye POV

Karen Chandler

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Converting insights into actionable measures has always been a critical challenge faced by marketers and insights managers. In order to effectively navigate the pitfalls and challenges, it is essential that brands adopt a strategic approach that maximises the value of their insights, be they from Brand Trackers, MMMs, Campaign Evaluations, or other types of market research. Here are five key strategies that we at Nepa think transform insights into action, and help drive business success.

People discussing insights

1. Set goal-driven objectives

Even before collecting your data, it’s important to set clear goals for what you want to achieve, be they brand awareness, market expansion, or any other strategic plans. Doing this ensures that any data analysis focuses on extracting insights that directly contribute to achieving these goals. Establishing clear measurement objectives, aligned with key performance indicators (KPIs), enables your brand to track progress and see how and where your marketing communications need amending.

2. Contextualise your insights

Context is key when it comes to transforming insights into actionable strategies. By considering factors such as who, what, when, why, and where, organisations can provide background that enhances the relevance and relatability of the insights. By looking beyond isolated data points, brands can identify broader trends, providing a deeper understanding of market dynamics and consumer behaviour. Recognizing patterns and trends enables brands to uncover new opportunities and whitespaces that offer them a strategic advantage.

3. Ensure effective insights communication

Insights must be communicated clearly and comprehensively across the business to ensure that they are easily understood, simple to action, and embedded in all departments. Reporting information creatively and consistently, with engaging formats, makes them more impactful.

4. Continuously analyse, test, and learn

Continuous analysis is the cornerstone of effective data utilisation. Hypothesis formulation and testing play a pivotal role in making the most of your data. By doing so you can refine your strategies and drive continuous improvement.

5. Create a data-driven culture

Building stakeholder-researcher relationships is integral to effective insight activations. Utilising visualisation techniques to add context to insights, encouraging immediate action, and asking questions about what your team really find important helps create a data-driven culture. Moreover, democratising data empowers your stakeholders, fostering collaboration and informed decision-making across teams. This helps to develop a common business language that has data at its core.

By following these five key strategies, organisations can effectively transform raw data into actionable insights; driving informed decision-making, enhancing operational efficiencies, and achieving business success in today’s data-driven landscape.

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Nepa’s guide to building a Category Entry Point (CEP)-centric marketing strategy

April 11, 2024

Woman shopping wall of freezers CEP

Karen Chandler

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Measuring Category Entry Points (CEPs) is a crucial step for brand marketing for several reasons. Firstly, by understanding the specific moments or situations your consumers are most likely to engage with your brand, you can create targeted marketing strategies that drive conversions. Secondly, by identifying and prioritising CEPs, you can concentrate your budget and resources on the touchpoints that will have the most impact, maximising your ROIs. Next, an understanding of your CEPs also offers you a competitive advantage, by not only enabling you to better understand your customer journey and its pain points, but also where you can outperform your competition, helping you to capture more market share. Finally, CEP measurements help brands identify areas for growth and innovation, increasing their market penetration.

But how do you build CEPs into your marketing if you’ve never measured them before?

Building a CEP-centric marketing plan

Define your CEPs

Start by identifying the key moments or situations when consumers engage with your brand. Here at Nepa, we suggest a qualitative approach to uncovering the full range of CEPs that lead consumers to your category.

Quantify and prioritise the key CEPs

A thorough quantitative deep-dive will help you identify the key CEPs your brand should focus on. This will help you identify a consumer’s needs, preferences, and behaviours at each CEP, and uncover where your brand’s current positioning and mental market share.

Develop targeted messaging

Now you know your consumers and CEPs, you should craft compelling messages that address their specific needs and pain points at each moment. You can also highlight how your brand fulfils these requirements better than your competition.

Leverage your distinctive brand assets

Use a Brand Asset study to identify and leverage the logos, taglines, colours, and other visual elements that make your brand recognisable and memorable. If you miss this step, you risk your product or service being recalled, but in conjunction with a competitor with a stronger brand.

Implement a targeted marketing strategy for each CEP

Use a mix of channels and tactics, such as social media advertising, email marketing, influencer partnerships, and other on and offline strategies to engage your target audience effectively. A Marketing Mix Model can help you identify the areas that will give you strongest sales activations and brand awareness.

Monitor and measure your CEP performance

Continuously monitor and measure the performance of your marketing efforts at each CEP. A Brand Tracker with Category Entry Point module allows you to track key metrics such as CEP linkage, awareness, consideration, and purchase intent, to allow you to make data-driven adjustments. By measuring continuously, you can remain agile and adaptive to changes in consumer behaviour, market trends, and competitive dynamics.

By following these steps, you can develop a robust CEPs-centric marketing plan that effectively engages consumers at key moments in their purchase journey, driving mental availability and purchase intent. If you would like some help getting started, why not get in touch?

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Mental Availability: A key secret to brand growth

March 13, 2024

Karen Chandler

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With the world in constant flux, building a strong brand presence is essential for companies looking to grow. One crucial aspect of this is understanding and harnessing the power of Mental Availability. But what exactly is it, and why should brands focus on it in 2024?

What is Mental Availability?

Mental Availability refers to the extent to which a brand occupies space in consumers’ minds, influencing their purchasing decisions. It encompasses the strength of associations consumers have with the brand and how readily it comes to mind when they consider a product or service category. Unlike traditional brand tracking metrics, which often focus solely on current buyers, Mental Availability metrics also consider non-buyers and brand rejectors. This provides companies with insights into potential growth opportunities and barriers to purchase.

Why should brands care about Mental Availability?

Simply put, it’s about how easily a brand comes to mind in different purchase situations within a specific product or service category. Unlike physical availability, which focuses on accessibility and ease of purchase, Mental Availability emphasizes the brand’s presence in consumers’ minds during relevant purchase moments. It’s akin to being a familiar face in a crowded room.

In today’s competitive market, where consumers are bombarded with choices, being top-of-mind is crucial for brands. Tracking Mental Availability involves measuring metrics such as mental penetration, network size, mental market share, and share of mind. These metrics provide valuable insights into brand recall across different Category Entry Points (CEPs), helping brands understand their positioning and increase their likelihood of being considered by consumers in relevant purchase situations.

For instance, while many people may be aware of a brand like the National Lottery, not everyone immediately considers it for specific needs, such as buying a gift to put into a card. This specific need represents a Category Entry Point (CEP), a key measure of Mental Availability. Understanding these CEPs and measuring the brand’s share of them allows brands to gauge how likely people are to consider their brand compared to others in relevant purchase situations.

Strategies for success

Understanding Mental Availability is only the first step; brands must also take proactive steps to enhance it. Strategies for enhancing it include:

Messaging alignment
Ensuring that brand messaging aligns with the Category Entry Points (CEPs) identified through research. Messaging should resonate with consumers in specific purchase situations, increasing the likelihood of brand recall.

Standing out from competitors by leveraging distinctive brand assets (DBAs) that make the brand memorable and easily recognisable in consumers’ minds.

Targeted marketing efforts
Direct marketing efforts towards reaching consumers during relevant purchase moments. Utilising channels and tactics that resonate with consumers in specific contexts, will increase brand visibility and recall.

Continuous monitoring and adjustments
Regularly monitoring and analysing Mental Availability metrics to track progress and identify areas for improvement. Brands should adjust marketing strategies and messaging as needed to maintain and enhance Mental Availability over time.

In today’s competitive marketplace, understanding and enhancing Mental Availability is crucial for brand success. By focusing on strategies to increase brand recall and presence in consumers’ minds during relevant Category Entry Points, brands can strengthen their positioning and increase their likelihood of being considered by consumers. Through continuous monitoring and adjustment of marketing efforts, brands can stay top-of-mind and drive growth in an increasingly competitive landscape.

Nepa’s Mental Availability offer

Because we believe Mental Availability is so important, if you sign up to one of our Brand Tracking packages before the end of March 2024, we’ll boost your insights with our Category Entry Points module free of charge. Plus, we’ll throw in a complimentary data deep-dive meeting so you can really make the most of your investment (altogether worth 12,500 EUR)!* Find out more here.

* For Brand Tracking packages over 3,000 EUR / month for a minimum of 12 months, purchased before 01/04/24

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Memories generate sales: Why your Brand Tracker needs to include Category Entry Points

February 07, 2024

Hand on mobile phone with a thank you for your purchase message

Karen Chandler

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If your Brand Tracker does not measure Category Entry Points, then you’re missing a key area of growth for 2024. The best search engine is the mind, so triggering thoughts of your brand at key buying occasions can lead to significant additional revenue. Think Diet Coke and break time.

Sign up for one of our Brand Tracking packages before the 1st of April 2024 and get 12 months of Category Entry Points insights, alongside a complementary deep-dive into your results.

What do you get?

– A dynamic Brand Tracking dashboard with 24/7 access to all of your fundamental KPIs, such as ad awareness and brand strength

– A complementary insight meeting to delve into your 3 key business questions

– A consultative partnership that will help you answer the ‘so what’ and ‘what now’ for your brand

– Access to your new tracker within an average of 4-6 weeks

Why does your Brand Tracker need Category Entry Points?

The details

– Offer only open for new Brand Tracking packages over 32,000 SEK per month with a minimum 12 month contract, signed before the 1st April 2024.

– One free 1-hour insight meeting, to cover 3 key business questions.

– Category Entry Point module included for 12 months free of charge, for all markets and categories purchased (cost for year 2 based on 2 categories and 3 countries is 36,000 SEK, subject to change).

– Number of free Category Entry Points is capped at 10, and they must be the same for each market and category.

– Normal Nepa terms and conditions apply

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What are Category Entry Points, and why should you care about them in 2024?

January 30, 2024

Karen Chandler

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AI. New shopping channels. A cost-of-living crisis. The new spending power of Generation Alpha. Market share growth has never been as complicated as it is in 2024. But you can sharpen your competitive edge by building mental availability; ensuring your brand is at the top of mind wherever and whenever a consumer is ready to make a purchase.

This is where Category Entry Points come into play. As defined by the Ehrenberg-Bass Institute, they are the cues that consumers use to access their memory when making a buying decision, encompassing both internal cues like motives and emotions and external cues like location and time of day. Think Diet Coke with break time.

With a direct correlation between a brand’s market penetration and the number and strength of their Category Entry Points, understanding and leveraging them is essential.

How do you identify your Category Entry Points?

To begin, you need to start with the 7W’s; ‘Why’, ‘Where’, ‘hoW’, ‘With’, ‘When’, ‘While’, and ‘With what’.


The motive and benefits behind a purchase, for instance to lead a healthier lifestyle or to get a promotion.


The location of where the product will be used or consumed, for instance when working from home, or on the train.


The feelings and emotions behind the purchase, for instance feeling low on energy or stressed.

With/for whom

The other people who may be involved in the usage or consumption, for instance your partner, or senior management.


The timing of when the product will be used or consumed, for instance every Saturday or at the end of the financial year.


Co-activities that might occur with the usage or consumption, for instance a meeting or filling up your car.

With what

Other categories that might be purchased or consumed at the same time, for instance socks with shoes or popcorn at the movies.

How do you then prioritise these Category Entry Points?

As consumers have a multitude of entry points into each category, product or brand, you then need to prioritise those that are the most effective for brand growth. This is where we turn to the 3C’s.


How credible is your product, brand, or solution in this situation?


How many other brand or business are in competition for this entry point?


How frequently do buyers find themselves at this entry point?

Those with high credibility, low competition, and high incidence are those that are going to be most valuable. Having high impact, high effectiveness messaging at these points will help create brand memories.

Why should you then track these Category Entry Points continuously?

Identifying your Category Entry Points is only the first step. Once you actively start to build brand memories during these situations, you need to have a system in place to see which messages resonate, and which don’t. And it’s important not to forget that your competitors might also be working on their Category Entry Point memories too.

By measuring continuously, you can quickly and easily view your entire competitive landscape. This makes it simpler to promptly adapt strategies and stay ahead of your competition.

Nepa’s three step approach

1. Discover your brand’s specific Category Entry Points

Using qualitative techniques, we uncover every Category Entry point that might lead a consumer to your category. Generative AI is used to identify, validate, and analyse the data to minimise the risks of bias.

2. Quantify and prioritise your key Category Entry Points

A quantitative deep dive identifies the strength of your brand’s current Category Entry Points, and which ones should be focused on to drive growth in the market.

3. Monitor the development of your Category Entry Points

Both your brand and your competitors Category Entry Points are continuously tracked in our Brand Tracking dashboard, so you can make timely, informed decisions to grow your market share.

Case Study

MTV trusts Nepa to prove TV advertising is key

MTV logo

The story

Launched in 1957, MTV was one of Europe’s first commercial TV companies. Over the decades it has expanded from news and current affairs programming to include streaming services, free TV channels, multi-channel current news, and paid TV channels. MTV is part of Telia Company, one of the Nordics largest TV and telecommunications companies.

Today Finland’s leading commercial TV broadcasting company strategically leverages a long-term partnership with marketing intelligence company Nepa to prove that TV advertising is a key brand-building tool for the Finnish market.

“At MTV, our aim is to enable sustainable business growth for our clients by offering effective advertising solutions. Through our collaboration with Nepa, we have empowered our clients to substantiate impact that TV campaigns can deliver results for their brands.”

— Nina Eriksson, Insight Manager

People watching TV

The plan

MTV and Nepa have a long history of collaboration. Nepa had previously worked on Brand Tracking and Consumer Panel projects with MTV in Finland, along with other campaigns for their sister company TV4 in Sweden.
Adverts are a core component of MTV’s business so it was suggested that the Campaign Evaluations they were running for their advertisers should be managed by Nepa too. The company understood MTV’s business model and competitive landscape and could use this background to supercharge their Campaign Evaluations.

The result

Nepa’s Campaign Evaluations are used by MTV as part of their partnership with their advertising clients. Ads are tested to quantify the impact of the campaign and creative implementation. However, this is not where the benefits end for MTV.

Over the years Campaign Evaluation data was collected for lots of different industries, of lots of different sizes, with lots of different consumers. Nepa realised that more could be done with these insights, and MTV’s Meta Analysis was created. This report takes the historic data and quantifiably proves the benefits of TV advertising, and how it can help with long-term brand building.

The utilization of individual campaign measurements has contributed to the cultivation of enduring customer relationships with our advertising clients. Moreover, the implementation of the Meta Analysis has played a pivotal role in fostering a deeper comprehension and validation of the efficacy of TV and program sponsorship advertising. said Nina Eriksson, Insight Manager.

The result






acquired by Telia

Our Approach

We convert data into
opportunities for growth

Marketing is an investment

Many brands are seeing budget cuts. But focusing only on short-term goals means you can miss the contribution of long-term brand building to growth. To demonstrate the ROI of your marketing you need a team that is experienced in linking your brand KPIs to your company’s financial performance, over time. We help you make those connections, which are essential for making marketing decisions that drive growth.

Ensure brand relevance

As technologies, trends, and industries shift, so do your customers. You need to keep on the pulse of people’s perceptions and behaviours by understanding how your brand is used, its personality, and how your communications are working in order to make adjustments over time.

Select the right channels

Assessing the strength of each individual media channel helps you to focus on the right investments. But most media measurement does not integrate and evaluate all the different channels now available. Our Media Mix Modelling assesses the ROI of all media investments including social, allowing brands to make decisions around budgets for every media, execution, campaign duration, and creative.

Increase market share

There are several ways to increase market share. Sell more to existing customers. Expand your customer base. Sell through new channels. However, in order to choose the right option, you need to understand your potential customer base.


Our Market Segmentation gives you clear, useful information on both current and potential customers. It splits people into different groups based on needs and values, offering insights on how to grow your brand in these different markets.

Improve campaign performance

As media changes, so do people and their behaviour. To improve performance, you need to evaluate and evolve your campaigns constantly, so that you can make and measure adjustments over time. We help you find the right mix of channels, messaging, creative, and format to increase your impact and ROI.


Adapt to win

Our 360-degree, continuous approach shows how consumers think, helps realise growth potential, and demonstrates return on investment.

Marketing Mix Modelling

Adjust activity in near real-time with models that are continuously learning from your media activity, sales performance, and brand health.

Campaign Evaluation

Running campaigns is all about constant evaluation and evolution. Find the right mix of channels, messaging, creative, and format to get the most out of your communications.

Custom Modules

Use additional modules to manage pricing, brand personality, brand assets and category drivers and place customers at the heart of your marketing decisions.


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Unleash the power of CampaignPulse: Quick evaluations without compromising on quality

November 28, 2023

Karen Chandler

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Observation, sender recall, message comprehension, and liking are some of the key metrics collected by regular Campaign Evaluations. Did your consumer see your campaign? Did they know it was your brand? Did they understand the message you were trying to convey, and did it make them more likely to buy your brand?

CampaignPulse asks all of these questions, and then delves even deeper. What in particular resonates with consumers? How unique do they think your brand is? How does it compare with industry benchmarks? Does the ad align with consumer’s expectations of your brand? These are the factors that truly drive engagement and loyalty.

The best part of a CampaignPulse evaluation? You can receive your insights whilst your campaign is running. These near-time results provide a distinct advantage in today’s fast-paced marketing landscape. If your campaign isn’t performing well and you only find out after the fact, the damage is already done. This flexibility is a game-changer, allowing you to respond agilely to consumer feedback, emerging trends, and the ever-evolving consumer landscape.

The pitfalls of a poorly executed campaign

If done incorrectly, your campaign may inadvertently be a boost for your competition. A lack of strong brand assets, such as tagline, colour palette, audio, and typography, can mean that the time and resources you’ve spent simply go to waste.

CampaignPulse helps you to minimise this risk by giving you a clear overview of which brand assets drive recognition and liking, which may inadvertently boost competitors, and how to mitigate this to create the strongest campaign.

Campaign Evaluations v. CamapignPulse

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Introducing AI Trend Boost by Nepa: Make your brand tracking data go further

October 04, 2023

Woman with red hair working on laptop

Karen Chandler

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Survey-led brand tracking is a constant trade-off between accuracy and cost. The larger the sample size, the more reliable the insights, but invariably the larger the budget required. Nepa’s AI Trend Boost is your solution.

This revolutionary machine-learning based approach takes historical tracking data, analyses context and covariance between key variables, and then creates a model with the same accuracy as a sample with five times the data. It also reduces sampling variances by up to 75%, bringing you closer than ever to your consumer.

– Offers a 5 times increase in the depth and granularity of your data

– Enhances low incidence target groups to create meaningful business insights

– Produces insights with the smoothness of a moving average, combined with the responsiveness of near-time data

How does AI Trend Boost Work?

If you have a small sample, unboosted raw data in your brand tracker can have notable weekly shifts. How do you make confident business decisions when you can’t tell what’s a concrete trend, and what is simply noise?

AI Trend Boost uses a proprietary algorithm to analyse several key data variables and past-time series data to generate an accurate model for your brand’s KPIs. It learns and improves over time – the more data it is given, the more refined its predictions become, making it an invaluable tool to optimise your brand’s performance and stay ahead of trends.

In almost all simulated cases, the output of a tracker with AI Trend Boost applied is far superior to a simple moving average in terms of real-life population trend accuracy, including in those with decreased sample sizes. Error metrics are reduced by up to 75%.

Plus, AI Trend Boost is easy to integrate into our core Brand Trackers, letting you effectively enhance your insights with a single click​.

Industry recognition for AI Trend Boost

AI Trend Boost’s Brand Noise Reduction methodology has been recognised by industry experts as cutting-edge technology, and it is trusted by the biggest global brands including IKEA.

“Applying Nepa’s Brand Noise Reduction algorithm to Marketing Mix Modelling really gives us peace of mind that we’re making decisions based on the best data possible.”​

​Brinda Matthew​, Head of Brand Marketing Performance, IKEA Canada​

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ESOMAR Congress 2023 Paper

September 22, 2023

ESOMAR Congress Papers 2023

Karen Chandler

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If, after all of our posts, you’re interested in reading the full paper behind our ESOMAR Congress 2023 presentation ‘The New Marketing Renaissance’, you can find it below.

The New Marketing Renaissance: The merging of creative work and scientific evaluation of communication‘ was co-authored by Karin Haglund, Cajsa Wirén, Oliver Engist, Hugo Englund, and Thomas Berthelsen. It looks into how new techniques can be applied to Marketing Mix Modeling to specifically measure creative quality, thereby providing insights on how this quality relates directly back to market effectiveness. If you have any questions, do please get in touch.

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Nepa in Amsterdam | ESOMAR Congress 2023

September 15, 2023

Karen Chandler

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ESOMAR Congress is over for another year, and what a Congress it was for Nepa. Artificial Intelligence was the buzz word of the week, with sessions on topics such as using predictive analytics and natural language processing to revolutionise your marketing strategy and unlocking travel’s new frontier with AI-powered dream destination bookings. And we were also there to talk AI!

The Young ESOMAR Society (YES) Awards

Nepa Data Scientist Valere Demelier was chosen as one of the nine brightest young research minds to present at this year’s conference. A 60-second pitch was voted on by conference attendees, and the three with the most votes were invited back the next day to showcase their full presentation.

Valere’s topic was the one on everyone’s lips at the event – Artificial Intelligence. He showcased a project he worked on with a large global retailer who wanted to learn more about what their key personas searched for online.

AI and machine learning were used to cluster millions of search terms into specific segments, identifying which topics each digital consumer profile was interested in. Not only did machine learning speed up the analysis, but using GPT technology made the reporting more accurate.

Valere won silver for his presentation.

This year I was invited to ESOMAR Congress 2023 as a YES awards finalist, where I was delighted to have won the silver award. The congress was an incredible experience filled with inspiring presentations, innovative research projects, and new friends.

Amongst the many incredible papers presented one of my favourites was the brilliant “Uncovering the Human Voice for Deep Insights”. This presentation elegantly explored how consumers build relationships with brands they interact and over time develop “Brand Love”. The integration of market research and psychology concepts as well as advanced language modelling techniques created a compelling story rooted in sound research methods and powerful conclusions and real-world implications.”, said Valere.

The New Marketing Renaissance

Nepa‘s R&D Manager Cajsa Wirén joined forces with Klarna Bank‘s Global Consumer Insights Manger to present their talk on how to merge the creative with the technical.

There are high demands on marketers today. They need to produce content of such high quality that people actively want to consume it, whilst understanding the technicalities of tailoring content to the multitude of different channels. They also simultaneously need to not get lost in all the choices, and overlook the fundamentals for a successful campaign, be it objectives, measurement KPIs or execution: a true DaVincian feat!

The talk covered how new techniques can be applied to Marketing Mix Modeling to specifically measure creative quality, thereby providing insights on how this quality relates directly back to market effectiveness.

The full paper can be found here.

Dynata RISE Awards 2023

Nepa won the Market Research Agency category (EMEA) in Dynata’s 2023 RISE awards. Nepa’s Chief Product Officer Robert Beatus collected the trophy that assessed Dynata’s best-performing clients, with a focus on respondent engagement.
Read more about this award here.

Nepa’s Interim CEO Ferry Wolswinkel commented: “This was my first year at ESOMAR Congress, and what a first year it was. I was immensely proud to see Nepa’s Data Scientist Valere earn a well-deserved silver medal at the YES Awards, and receiving Dynata’s RISE award is truly a testament of the hard work put into our surveys by our teams globally.

I would also like to thank Klarna’s Karin Haglund for joining R&D Manager Cajsa Wiren on the Supercharger stage to present ‘The New Marketing Renaissance’. Such an inspiring session by both”.