
Brand Tracking

Manage, track, and grow your brand with always-on, actionable insights.

Marketing Mix Modelling

Monitor and optimise the long and short-term effects of your marketing efforts.

Campaign Evaluation

Measure and track your campaign’s performance before, after, and as it happens.

Blog Posts

Nepa at ESOMAR Congress 2023

August 16, 2023

Amsterdam canal side buildings

Karen Chandler

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It’s less than a month to this year’s ESOMAR Congress in Amsterdam, and we’re delighted to let you know you’ll have (possibly!) more than two chances to watch a Nepian in action.

Monday 11th September, 09.25

The Supercharger Stage

Nepa UK’s Data Scientist Valere Demelier is one of the finalists of the YES Awards, and during this 60-second elevator pitch will discuss AI for Consumer Digital Profiles. He will (very quickly!) take us through a recent project that utilised open AI’s embedding tool to distil shopper search queries into an embedded data frame, which was then subjected to unsupervised machine learning clustering to identify patterns among shoppers. 

Tuesday 12th September, 14.30

The Supercharger Stage

Nepa Sweden’s R&D Manager Cajsa Wirén will be presenting ‘The New Marketing Renaissance; The merging of creative work and scientific evaluation of communication’ alongside Klarna’s Global Consumer Insights Manager Karin Haglund.

This 20-minute session will cover how marketing mix modelling can be combined with survey-based measurements of campaign content, to quantify the value of creatives. This case study will provide insights on how different aspects of creative executions impact marketing effectiveness, and highlights how clear branding in campaigns is the most important challenge for brands to crack.

Tuesday 12th September, 16.20

The Supercharger Stage

If Valere’s pitch wows the ESOMAR delegates, then alongside two other finalists he will be showcasing his full pitch mainstage Pecha Kucha style for 6min40 in front of senior business leaders. Event attendees have the final word, so if you’re there in person please vote!

Alongside Valere and Cajsa, CEO Ferry Wolswinkel, Account Director Andrea Goeres, Senior Account Manager Malin Larsudd, and Marketing Manager Karen Chandler will be attending to explore the latest trends, innovations, and insights in the field of market research. All are more than happy to meet up over a coffee, just get in touch!

About ESOMAR Congress

ESOMAR Congress is ESOMAR’s flagship event that serves as a prominent platform for industry professionals, researchers, and experts to converge and learn. The event showcases a diverse array of sessions, including keynote presentations, panel discussions, workshops, and interactive sessions led by thought leaders and pioneers in the industry.

Blog Posts

Nepa at Cannes Lions Festival 2023

June 30, 2023

Karen Chandler

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If you work in marketing, or a marketing adjacent field, then your LinkedIn feed has probably been full of Cannes Lions posts over the last couple of weeks. Between the 19th and 23rd of June, the Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity returned to the The Palais in Cannes. The largest gathering in the creative marketing community, the event celebrates creativity, effectiveness, and innovation in the global advertising, marketing, and communication industries. And Nepa were there too!

Insights Manager Charlotta Lundberg and Data Scientist Jessika Ödling spent the week yacht hopping between panels, discussions, and presentations, with some personal highlights of theirs including watching Les Binet discuss The 3rd Age of Effectiveness and stressing the importance of video in brand building, and the COO of Open AI Brad Lightcap discussing how AI is not there to take jobs, just enhance productivity.

The key themes

Throughout the festival there were three key themes that kept coming up, time and again.

Maximising the effects of your campaigns

One thing that was mentioned across the days was how to use different platforms correctly to build a brand. You can’t just use the same content and hope that it will achieve the effect you desire. Every platform has a very different audience, with very different expectations, and a very different language. However, even though the delivery is different, you need to maintain some consistency across every platform to build brand recognition.

You also need to stand out and, as our recent blog post by Head of R&D Robert Beatus demonstrates, those that create strong positive emotions are the ones that drive ad awareness.


A big topic that will undoubtedly be front and centre at events for the coming years was Artificial Intelligence. Mentioned in almost all sessions, even those focused on inclusivity and diversity, the main takeaway was that we should see it as a tool – It’s not here to take our jobs!

“This industry [marketing] will be busier than ever in 5 years“, said Brad Lightcap, COO Open AI.

It should be there to enable people to be even more creative, and push the limits of what is possible to achieve. For example when Dall-E was created people were worried that it would be the death of art. However, it’s led to the rise of impressionism and helped develop the art world further.

Inclusivity / Diversity

The final major theme was inclusiveness and diversity. No matter what kind of marketing activities or materials people are creating, these two things should be at the centre. Rather than act performatively, brands need to walk the talk – Be it including a wider range of people in leadership, a variety of people in production teams, or setting specific diversity KPIs. Bias is bad for business.

And that’s a wrap on 2023. We hope to see you there in 2024!

Blog Posts

What is the value of emotions for a brand?

June 26, 2023

The Taj Mahal Hotel - Mumbai

Karen Chandler

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Cadbury’s 2007 “Gorilla” campaign was a remarkable display of the power of emotions. Instead of relying on a brand message, product offering, or category-specific benefits, they instead took a bold approach by focusing purely on evoking strong feelings. The ad featured the iconic Cadbury purple as a backdrop, and showcased a large gorilla seated at a drum kit, skilfully playing the iconic drum solo from “In the air tonight”. Following its release, a staggering extra 20% of the UK population held a ‘favourable’ view of the brand. This impressive number firmly illustrates the immense influence of strong emotions in capturing consumer attention, and driving both short and long-term success.

In our recent blog post, “Have your cake and eat it: How brand building campaigns can drive both short and long-term sales”, we talked about how some companies earmark separate budgets for long-term brand building and short-term sales activation, and how an increasing number of brand-building creatives have been driving short-term sales by triggering these kind of emotions.

When we analysed our campaign performance database, we can clearly see campaigns with high emotional liking – the typical objective for brand building – not only drive a positive brand perception but also trigger call-to-action effects like purchases or website visits.

Campaigns with high ad-liking have a significantly higher short-term impact than campaigns with a lower score. The more an audience likes the creatives, the more inclined they are to act directly.

Which emotions should you trigger?

So what are the right emotions to trigger in a successful brand-building campaign? We again analysed our database, this time using our N-Emotion intelligence tool to look at the spectrum of emotions that were evoked across more than 3,000 campaigns. Even across the vast range of brands and industries, there were several common emotional factors that could be seen in campaigns that had a high ad-liking.

Firstly, regardless of how well executed an advertisement is in other aspects, if it leaves your audience with a feeling of irritation, scepticism, or distrust it will have a poor impact. Conversely, ads that leave people feeling happy, entertained, or high-energy tend to achieve average or higher performance levels. However, generally ‘happy’ is not enough by itself. An ad must also engage the audience. We see the the emotional barrier stopping ads reaching the top 20% of ads in our database as indifference or disinterest.

Only 5% of ads reached level 5; representing campaigns with the highest short and long-term interest. These are the make-or-break ads. Interestingly, here we find a significant number have taken a brave approach by successfully creating elements of surprise that evoke strong emotions. But striking the right balance is crucial. While some bold endeavours triumph others falter, sparking anger or unease. These ads tend to have no positive effects for the brand.

In conclussion

Triggering the right emotions makes an ad stick in the consumer’s mind, and it plays a crucial role in shaping brand perceptions. However, it is essential to strike the right balance in order to achieve the desired effects. Significant rewards are there if you can balance the tight-rope. A well-crafted emotional experience leads to a deeper processing of your ad, creating stronger associations between the campaign and your brand. Providing an emotional experience will also make consumers focus their attention on the content, thereby improving sender recall (which is one of the growing challenges in marketing communication). Furthermore, stronger associations increase the likelihood your brand will be front of mind in future purchase making decisions.

This post was written by Robert Beatus, Nepa’s Head of R&D.

Blog Posts

Embracing AI for business success

June 05, 2023

Focused Indian businessman wearing casual clothes working typing on laptop sitting at table in light office room on background of window.

Karen Chandler

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We are embarking on an exciting journey with our pioneering new artificial intelligence initiative. It’s part of our commitment to innovation, pushing the boundaries of what’s possible, and shaping the future of technology.

By seamlessly integrating AI technologies into our operations we can unlock new levels of efficiency; streamlining workflows, automating repetitive tasks, and driving productivity gains. Our AI-driven solutions help to empower our organisation to maximise resource utilisation, minimise costs, and accelerate time-to-market, enabling us to stay one step ahead of our competition. We are currently under an explorative phase where multiple AI tools are being investigated to see which ones have the greatest impact, both on internal developments and client deliveries.

One of our development initiatives, Brand Noise Reduction, is based on an AI and machine learning model. It utilises pattern recognition and time series analysis to make our weekly Brand Tracking data both more accurate and granular. This ultimately enables our clients to make better, faster, data-based decisions.

Other explorations of AI solutions focus on predictive and prescriptive capabilities. Synthetic Respondent Solutions is one such area of investigation, whereby we will be leveraging the vast amount of historical brand tracking data we have collected over the years. Such a machine learning model could predict current KPIs based on historical trends, without the need of additional data collection. Another initiative we are running focuses on creating an AI solution that generates suggestions based on data and survey results.

Through this initiative, we are fostering an environment that encourages experimentation, prototyping, and knowledge-sharing. By continuously learning from our findings and experiences, we are shaping a future where AI plays a pivotal role in driving sustainable growth, delivering exceptional customer experiences, and fostering a more connected and intelligent world.


Is your brand Superman or Lex Luthor?

May 17, 2023

Superman v. Lex Luthor

Karen Chandler

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Thursday 22nd June 2023

11.15 – 12.00 BST / 12.15 – 13.00 CEST / 15.45 – 16.30 IST

Superman or Lex Luthor? Good or evil? Does it matter if your brand exhibits the same personality traits as supervillains? In this webinar, Senior Analyst John Palm will take you through why being perceived the same as a so-called baddie can actually be beneficial in a highly competitive market, by helping you build a strong brand.

The webinar is based off research from our soon to be launched ‘Hero or Villain’ whitepaper. In it we take 14 famous superheroes and villains, 10 clothes brands, along with 10 car brands, and measure them using our proprietary solution Brand Touch. You’ll find out if Gucci​ is more Batman or the Joker, and if Tesla is more Wolverine or Magneto.

Sign up here.

Blog Posts

Tre’s brand revamp: Strategy for profitable growth

May 02, 2023

Stockholm, Sweden - March 3, 2021: Close-up view of the telecom operator 3 ( Hi3G Access AB) logotype at the head office in Stockholm.

Karen Chandler

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This post was guest authored by Jim Carlberg, who most recently held the role as Head of Marketing for telecom operator Tre/3.

“In early 2019, Tre had high brand awareness, but only 14% of the Swedish population would consider choosing us. Traditionally, we attracted customers with discounts, which impacted long-term margins and retention rates. Tre needed to make people really want to choose our brand again to get back to profitable growth.

So, we asked Nepa for help. We conducted extensive strategic work that resulted in a new strong foundation to build on; A completely different segmentation model for the market, new core target groups, updated definitions of drivers that create consideration, a revamped strategic position based on growth potential, and finally, a new communication concept.

The telecom industry in Sweden has often been associated with complex contracts, making it hard for people to compare operators. The analysis showed that a “simple, flexible, and helpful operator” would have a higher consideration – and this was attributes that most operators lacked. For us it suddenly became clear, we know Tre delivers on all these attributes, but our consumers didn’t.

Based on this insight we asked the question – How do we create a concept that both increases liking, consideration, and differentiates us from competitors?

We found the answer in Tre’s internal culture, which had been named among the top best workplaces in Sweden for several years in a row. With this as a starting point we could prove to the Swedish people who Tre really are, without making up an untrue story; the TREvliga operator (a wordplay with our brand name and the Swedish word for “friendly and nice”). Our new communication concept became effective because we chose to present what people look for in an operator whilst remaining true and unique to Tre. We removed all asterisks, avoided complicated terms, and pretentious words – we simply made it much more “Trevligt” for everyone.

Based on the clear direction and fresh insights from the work conducted with Nepa, we focused extensively on innovation and development over the next three years, launching products and services better suited to market needs, and marketed the brand and our offerings in a new and more interesting way.

“Trevligt” is now fully integrated in the business. It affects everything, from how we attract and onboard new employees, how we prioritize our roadmap for products and services, how we meet customers in all channels, and of course – our communicative expression and how we market Tre.

When “Trevligt” was launched, we managed to fill several needs with one approach. We started from something that was true for Tre, and that the entire company and culture could stand behind and live every day. We created something unique to the business that no other competitor could own. And we dramatized it in a way that broke through in an industry that is among the largest media buyers in Sweden, where everyone is essentially shouting about the same thing.

In other words, we questioned old truths, ignored what everyone else did, and aimed high on the value of building a strong brand from the inside out.

The results have been nothing but amazing. Brand consideration has increased from 14% to 18%, and Ad Liking doubled from an average 22% to 44% over the last campaign. The business is now flourishing – last year our customer base increased by 7.5%, with improved margins and profitability. Customer churn has decreased, and NPS increased by 12%. As a result of our new strategy, based on initial work with Nepa, last year we had the best financial year in Tre’s history since we started back in 2003.”

Jim’s top tips on how to best work with insights

Utilize market research to identify consumer needs: No more guesswork – to understand market trends and what’s really driving your customers behaviours is vital. Tre’s strategic work shaped our marketing and communication strategy, increasing all of our brand and business KPI’s.

Align marketing with brand values and culture: Tre used its top-rated company culture to create a communication strategy reflecting our values, differentiating us from competitors and resonating more with consumers.

Innovate based on insights and feedback: Tre’s focus on innovation and development, guided by market research and customer feedback, led us to increased satisfaction, reduced churn, and improved profitability.

About the author

Jim Carlberg is an experienced marketing executive, who most recently held the role as Head of Marketing for telecom operator Tre/3.

Blog Posts

Have your cake and eat it: How brand building campaigns can drive both short and long-term sales

April 20, 2023

Business portrait - businessman using laptop computer in office, thinking. Happy middle aged man, entrepreneur working online.

Karen Chandler

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These days, many companies earmark separate budgets for long-term brand building and short-term sales activation. However, here at Nepa we have been seeing an increasing number of examples, both in our own data and other meta studies, that successful brand building creatives can drive short-term sales too.

Consumers care less about what effects a campaign is designed to have, and more that it appeals to their current needs, views and personality  Too much focus on finding the right split between long and short-term benefits could therefore result in less effective campaigns and ultimately lower ROIs. 

More than a decade ago, evidence that most companies are underinvesting in brand building was successfully presented by Binet and Fields in their world-famous IPA paper “The Long and Short of It”, and marketers took note.  The publication suggested companies need to balance their marketing between long-term brand building communication and shorter-term activation marketing, with a suggested average split of 60/40 in favour of longer-term objectives. 

What does the latest research say?

In a recent piece of cross-media research Nepa conducted in conjunction with Meta, the results demonstrated that many channels yielded effects both in the short and long-term.

As seen above, most media types can contribute to both short and long-term effects, especially online video, social media, and display. The effect of long vs short is not only connected to media type but also the creative content in each media. So, this begs the question, can the same communication build both? 

We see similar indications when looking at our data on campaign creatives. It shows ads that perform strongly on brand building KPIs are not only driving long-term effects, but also short-term ones.

A typical objective for brand building communications is to evoke a positive emotional reaction among the audience that can be connected back to the brand. Hence, “ad-liking” is usually seen as an important KPI for measuring brand building effects in ads. On the other hand, “persuasive message” with a “clear call to action” are usually seen as important KPIs for sales activation. 

When we analysed our campaign performance database we can clearly see those campaigns with high emotional liking – the typical objective for brand building campaigns – are not only driving a positive brand perception, but they also trigger call to action effects, like purchases or website visits.  

Based on more than 3,000 campaigns in Nepa’s database classified in levels 0-6 by average liking score from lowest to highest. The green curve shows the change in short-term ad impact compared to the previous level of ad liking.

Campaigns with high “ad-liking” have a significantly higher short-term impact than campaigns with a lower “ad-liking” score. The more an audience likes the creatives, the more inclined they are to act directly.  

In summary, here at Nepa we have found evidence across different sources of data that successful brand building creatives can also help a company to drive short-term sales. Whilst focusing on both long-term brand building and short-term sales is important, we believe that businesses who focuses on creating the most effective messaging for their consumers will reach the perfect balance between long and short.  

Written by Thomas Berthelsen and Robert Beatus, Nepa’s Heads of R&D

Blog Posts

The Nepa Marketing & Insights Dinner 2023

April 04, 2023

A scenic view of the famous Somerset House in London under a wispy sky

Karen Chandler

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We recently held our annual Marketing & Insights dinner at the stunning Somerset House in London. It was an exclusive, invite-only event for marketing and insights leaders to network and exchange ideas. Brands such as Unilever, Heineken, and L’Oréal joined us for a gourmet three course dinner and reception, with presentations from Mars, GANT, Klarna, and some of the Nepa team on the theme ‘What are your key brand and marketing challenges in 2023?”

Throughout the night several common challenges came up from CMOs and CMIs across a range of different industries and regions. These included:

– Marketing budget being frozen or reduced, but with an expectation that marketing will still fuel growth.

– Reorganisations creating a lack of consistency for marketing and insights teams.

– Getting channel strategies right, thanks to the massive increase in digital activities and channel fragmentation.

However, the theme that was most discussed was marketing efficiencies and how to get the best bang for your buck. It’s something that we’ve been hearing a lot from our customers recently. How Nepa can help with this? And it all comes down to data. In order to make sure you’re making the most effective decisions, you need to understand the consequences. Our core Marketing Intelligence solutions are designed to do just this (and when combined can supercharge your insights!).

– Brand Tracking shows your brand and how it sits in the market. By measuring continuously you can see the immediate effects of your activities, and easily see what is working and what isn’t. It also collects data on your competitors, so you can view the impacts of their brand and marketing spend.

– Marketing mix modelling lets you see the effects of your marketing investments, without spending a penny. You can adjust your potential media investments, and see which blend allows you to hit your company specific KPIs.

– Campaign evaluations allow you to see how different messages work for different segments across different media, giving you the ability to optimise your creative content before you put any money into its creation and distribution.

It truly was a fabulous event. “Just wanted to say congratulations again for last night’s triumph”, “I really enjoyed the presentation and I met some interesting marketers”, and “The presentations were very insightful, the location unique and everything was very well organized” were just some of the feedback we received from attendees. If you’d like to join our next Marketing & Insights dinner, why not sign up to our newsletter? You can find it here:

Case Study

Sinebrychoff trusts Nepa to illuminate their Shopper Journeys

The story

Founded in 1819 in Helsinki, Sinebrychoff is Finland’s largest brewery. Alongside producing their award-winning beers, ciders, long drinks and energy drinks, the company owns the licence for manufacturing several global soft-drinks, such as Coca-Cola, Powerade, and Schweppes. Sinebrychoff is part of the international Carlsberg group.

Sinebrychoff’s focus goal for year 2023 was to understand the complete shopper journey and Nepa was chosen to conduct the work. A deep-dive into the 5W’s – who, what, where, why, and when – by shopper insights experts Nepa has given Sinebrychoff the data they need to fine tune their collaboration with creative agencies and provide a valuable input to fuel their future brand developments.

“Nepa’s solution was chosen due to its holistic approach, giving us ability to utilize the project in brand & marketing planning towards retail customers as well as agency partners.”

— Riikka Tommila, Insight Manager, Sinebrychoff

Cheers! Clink glasses. Close-up shots of hands holding beer glasses and beer bubbles.

The plan

It was important to Sinebrychoff to understand all of the drivers throughout the sales process. These questions started at the beginning – why consumers chose which specific brands to purchase and stores to purchase from – and followed the Shopper Journey all the way down to which in-store touch points were the most important to drive sales, and whether these purchases were considered or impulsive.

It was also important that the results could be used by all departments across the business. Nepa held several workshops with the company’s Insights, Brand & Marketing, and Accounts teams to ensure that all key business needs were going to be met by the study.

The result

A quantitative study was launched by Nepa to unravel Sinebrychoff’s Shopper Journeys in seven key categories. It covered the whole purchase cycle, from decision making and consideration, to point-of-purchase and post-purchase questions. However, the insights did not stop there.

In parallel with the on-going project work, Nepa and Sinebrychoff worked together to further enrich the findings and make the most of the data collected. As a result of this iterative approach, a series of more in-depth analyses were created focusing on specific segments, competitors, and retailers.

This Shopper Journey collaboration has not only given them the insights needed to improve their messaging all the way along the consumer journey, but it has also added great value to their retail chain partnerships. The data will be used widely in trade marketing and customer work.

“Shopper Journeys is our core theme for 2023 as the insights gathered can be used at all levels, from strategic planning to tactical activities”, says Riikka Tommila, Insight Manager, Sinebrychoff.

The result


key categories


Who, what, where, why, & when

Our Approach

We convert data into
opportunities for growth

Marketing is an investment

Many brands are seeing budget cuts. But focusing only on short-term goals means you can miss the contribution of long-term brand building to growth. To demonstrate the ROI of your marketing you need a team that is experienced in linking your brand KPIs to your company’s financial performance, over time. We help you make those connections, which are essential for making marketing decisions that drive growth.

Ensure brand relevance

As technologies, trends, and industries shift, so do your customers. You need to keep on the pulse of people’s perceptions and behaviours by understanding how your brand is used, its personality, and how your communications are working in order to make adjustments over time.

Select the right channels

Assessing the strength of each individual media channel helps you to focus on the right investments. But most media measurement does not integrate and evaluate all the different channels now available. Our Media Mix Modelling assesses the ROI of all media investments including social, allowing brands to make decisions around budgets for every media, execution, campaign duration, and creative.

Increase market share

There are several ways to increase market share. Sell more to existing customers. Expand your customer base. Sell through new channels. However, in order to choose the right option, you need to understand your potential customer base.

Our Market Segmentation gives you clear, useful information on both current and potential customers. It splits people into different groups based on needs and values, offering insights on how to grow your brand in these different markets.

Measure your performance

As media changes, so do people and their behaviour. To improve performance, you need to evaluate and evolve your campaigns constantly, so that you can make and measure adjustments over time. We help you find the right mix of channels, messaging, creative, and format to increase your impact and ROI.


Adapt to win

Our 360-degree, continuous approach shows how consumers think, helps realise growth potential, and demonstrates return on investment.

Marketing Mix Modelling

Adjust activity in near real-time with models that are continuously learning from your media activity, sales performance, and brand health.

Campaign Evaluation

Running campaigns is all about constant evaluation and evolution. Find the right mix of channels, messaging, creative, and format to get the most out of your communications.

Custom Modules

Use additional modules to manage pricing, brand personality, brand assets and category drivers and place customers at the heart of your marketing decisions.


Get in touch

Blog Posts

Nepa’s Brand Tracking Dashboard

March 31, 2023

Young latin professional business woman office worker analyst sitting at desk working on laptop thinking on project plan, analyzing marketing or financial data online, watching elearning webinar.

Karen Chandler

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The key to building a strong brand is to think long-term. Short-term sales activation can be highly profitable and efficient, but if you’re looking to build an enduring brand you also need to focus on the future.

To plot your best route for long-term success, you need to understand exactly how your brand is currently sitting in the marketplace. Nepa’s Brand Tracking dashboard looks beyond the obvious KPIs, and gives you ‘always on’ insights into your identity, reputation, and competition. These can help you confidently inform your future business plans, alongside giving you the data needed to justify your investments.

What makes our Brand Tracking dashboard so useful?

There are many reasons global brands choose Nepa’s Brand Tracking dashboard and find it such a key weapon in their marketing arsenal. As the Insight Manager for multinational telecoms operator Telenor told us “We love the Nepa dashboard, which is a valuable, hands-on tool to quickly help us with market insights.”

It gives you a holistic view

Different businesses have different priorities, which is why our Brand Tracker can be configured to give you a view of the metrics that matter most for your brand, from its strength and positioning, to your media performance and NPS. It also puts your brand in perspective by looking at the stats of your entire market, making sure you won’t miss any early warning signs.

It’s great for companies with different categories, channels, and markets, as all tracking and operational data can be combined in one place. You can therefore compare results, and see at a glance what is working and where you can improve.

Brand Tracking Dashboard Market's View

It’s ‘always on’

You don’t need to download separate software to access our dashboard, which means that your tracking data can be accessed from anywhere, at any time, by anyone who has been set up with a username and password. But you don’t need to worry about security – each dashboard has its own access control.

As it’s ‘always on’, all departments and locations can access the tracking data to see the effects of their region-specific campaigns, in close to real-time. This means that the data won’t get siloed, and can be used as a business tool to make informed decisions throughout the company.

It allows you to capitalise on fast-emerging trends

The dynamically updated dashboard gives you the data to make faster, better decisions. Being the first to react to fast-emerging trends always gives a brand the competitive edge. Understanding the real-time effectiveness of specific marketing activities and messaging gives your brand the knowledge of where to focus your energy going forward, to both act on hidden opportunities and protect against threats.

It’s continuous

A big drawback of many Brand Trackers is that measurements are periodic, via quota sampling. In most cases this methodology struggles to pick up real-world changes as it just takes a ‘snap-shot’ in time. Our tracking data is continuous, meaning that as your positioning and market share evolve, so do your insights, offering you the clarity to make the right choices.

You can trust your data

Brand Tracking is a great tool. But like all tools, not all are born equal. Depending on the methodologies used, Brand Tracking is not always precise enough. It can be a challenge to separate the signal from the noise of natural random error in a sample.

This is where our proprietary algorithm Brand Noise Reduction comes in. It analyses all of the respondent’s data, identifies correlations between their answer patterns, and how these fluctuate over a period of time. As a result, Brand Noise Reduction can distinguish between plain sample variations, and those that reflect real market changes. It has been proven to reduce random errors by up to 50%, boosting data accuracy and opening up possibilities for a more granular brand analysis.

Read more about Brand Noise Reduction here.

It’s easy to use

Many in the industry rely on standard PowerPoints or PDFs for their deliveries. Our Brand Tracking dashboard, however, is a much more interactive affair. You can view your data in a multitude of ways – broken down into different time periods, categories, and metrics. It also allows you to share insights across your organisation directly from the platform via a simple export, making data sharing simple.  

However, there are chances that you’ll have some questions when using your Brand Tracking dashboard. Whilst user guides and FAQs are great, sometimes you just want to ask a real person. This is why your Brand Tracking dashboard comes with a host of human experts to help you really make the most of your investment.

And what’s still to come?

Over the coming year we will be combining our Brand Tracking dashboard with our other Marketing Intelligence suite products; MMM and Campaign Evaluations. Our dashboard will become your one-stop shop for all of your marketing insights!