
Brand Tracking

Manage, track, and grow your brand with always-on, actionable insights.

Marketing Mix Modelling

Monitor and optimise the long and short-term effects of your marketing efforts.

Campaign Evaluation

Measure and track your campaign’s performance before, after, and as it happens.

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Varner chooses Nepa for their brand tracking program

January 29, 2021

Sam Richardson

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STOCKHOLM, Sweden (May 20th, 2020) – Nepa, a leading Consumer Research and analytics company, providing insight solutions to drive brand and sales by increasing marketing effectiveness, has been chosen by Varner to implement and run a brand tracking program to help Varner understand how its own brands perform on their main markets.

“The brand tracking service provided by Nepa has enabled us to monitor brand performance on a chain- and group level. This enables us to identify growth potential for individual chains and for the group, as well as learning more about how individual brand concepts are performing and how they potentially could be strengthened.” Said Knut Vidar Nilsen, Chief Marketing Officer at Varner.

“Varner is a very exciting customer and partner for us, as they have so many well-known brands with their own potentials and business challenges under the same roof. They furthermore aspire to be a leading fashion company in Scandinavia driven by consumer insights, which makes our partnership a perfect fit.” Said P-O Westerlund, CEO at Nepa.

 About Varner

VARNER is one of the largest fashion retailers in Scandinavia, with nearly 11.000 employees and 1.400 stores across 7 countries. VARNER consists of the fashion brands Cubus, Dressmann, Dressmann XL, Bik Bok, Carlings, Volt, Urban, WOW, Junkyard and franchises Levi’s Store, and Nike Store.

Contact information:
P-O Westerlund, CEO

Maria Skolgata 83, 118 53 Stockholm, Sweden

+46 706 404 824

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Kindred Extends Brand Tracking & Player Insight Partnership with Nepa

January 29, 2021

Sam Richardson

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Increase marketing effectiveness through deeper understanding.

STOCKHOLM, Sweden (May 26th, 2020) – Nepa, a leading Consumer Research and analytics company, providing insight solutions to drive brand and sales by increasing marketing effectiveness, has extended its long-term collaboration with Kindred Group plc, operator of 11 of Europe’s most successful online gambling brands including Unibet, 32Red and Maria Casino to implement and run a next generation brand tracking programme to help them understand all their main markets, set goals and drive growth going forward.

“We’ve worked with Nepa for more than 10 years to optimise our marketing strategy and they really demonstrated good, in-depth understanding of our business and the opportunities for growth by developing, from the ground up, a fresh and innovative brand tracking programme which also captures detailed player behaviours and attitudes. Online gambling is such a fast moving sector and we know our players also do lots more in their spare time so getting a total view of behaviours and brand perceptions in each market will be a vital component in our strategy going forward,” said Elen Barber, Chief Marketing Officer at Kindred.

“Kindred is one of the leaders in Responsible Gambling and Player Safety so we are thrilled to be working with them doing what we do best, identifying opportunities for growth”, said P-O Westerlund, CEO at Nepa.

About Kindred

Kindred Group is one of the world’s leading online gambling operators with business across Europe, Australia and the USA, offering over 27 million customers across 11 brands a great form of entertainment in a safe, fair and sustainable environment. The company, which employs over 1,600 people, is listed on Nasdaq Stockholm Large Cap and is a founding member of the European Gaming and Betting Association (EGBA) and founding member of IBIA (International Betting Integrity Association). Kindred Group is audited and certified by eCOGRA for compliance with the 2014 EU Recommendation on Consumer Protection and Responsible Gambling (2014/478/EU).

P-O Westerlund
Maria Skolgata 83, 118 53 Stockholm, Sweden
+46 706 404 824

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Get to know your customers with brand health tracking

January 20, 2021

brand health tracking helps you know your customers

Karen Chandler

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Brand health tracking is a key tool for marketers who wants to understand and really get to know both existing and potential customers.

Setting ambitious goals and launching big marketing campaigns without knowing the health of your brand can be detrimental moving forward. But keeping track of how your customers perceive your brand 24/7 is a full time job. Not only do you have to understand how your target groups feel about your brand, you also have to keep track of what your competitors are doing. This is why a continuous tracking of your brand is such an important tool.

Brand tracking works! Just have a look at the top global companies. To stay one step ahead of the competition and to drive sales they let brand tracking steer their marketing activities.

READ ALSO: Benefits of Path to Purchase Analysis

Brand health tracking is a direct connection to your audience

When brand health tracking is done right you will have a continuous feed of insights into your marketing organisation enabling you to plan, execute and reach marketing goals.

Easy to read dashboards, custom reporting and integration to existing BI systems is essential to make the most of brand health tracking. When planning marketing activities, like a product campaign, metrics from your updated dashboard will reveal your audience desires. These insights ensure that you and your colleagues can make timely strategic and tactical decisions with context and confidence.

So, before you waste any more money on marketing campaigns that might work let brand tracking show you what actually will work. By continuously measuring your audience you will always be ready to launch your next campaign.

Use brand health tracking to optimize campaigns

Although brand health tracking takes a larger scope on your overall brand health, you get the best results when combining brand tracking with campaign tracking.

Campaign tracking looks at how your campaigns perform, but doesn’t tell you how it ties into the overall perception customers have of your brand. Ignoring the bigger picture means you run the risk of missing crucial information regarding what your customers want or need from you.

READ ALSO: Brand research: What is it & why is it important?

Understand your brand before you move on

Brand health tracking ensures you have the correct insights before you set your goals and that you get relevant input before and during your marketing activities. Finally, it lets you evaluate the results of your marketing efforts. Without this information, you are basically in the dark.

To sum up, brand tracking is a measurement that gives you the insights you need to truly understand your brand to drive sales.

If you want to know more about brand health tracking and get the insights you need to optimize your marketing, make sure to contact our brand experts and they’ll tell you all about it.

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Sustainability for the new decade- Nepa BrandTouch Sustainability study

December 11, 2020

Sam Richardson

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An increasing number of brands consider sustainability an integral part of their business strategy and communication. And with good reason: sustainable life on Earth is widely regarded as the fundamental issue of our time, for governments, individuals – and organizations.

One of our latest initiatives at Nepa is our  BrandTouch Sustainability study! For key findings download our PDF below, for industry or brand specific findings contact us at

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Sustainability for the new decade- Nepa BrandTouch Sustainability study

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About Customer Experience

November 17, 2020

Karen Chandler

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“If you make customers unhappy in the physical world, they might each tell six friends. If you make customers unhappy on the Internet, they can each tell 6,000 friends.”
Jeff Bezos, CEO Amazon

Understanding what makes customers happy is vital to drive good brand health. If you create a great customer experience then you will:

  1. Boost customer loyalty and advocacy. Your customers become your most powerful marketing tool.
  2. Drive revenue and lifetime value. A satisfied customer will come back and buy more and won’t be as easily swayed by the competition.
  3. Build brand equity. Satisfied customers who prefer a brand to others and exhibit loyalty to the brand over time contribute to brand equity.
  4. Change with the times by listening to the voice of the customer and will understand changes in customer behavior faster than the competition.
  5. Reduce costs by investing in what matters most to your customers’ needs.

CX is the game changer
If CX is the game changer then what is CX? Well, here at Nepa we define CX, or Customer Experience, as the experiences that matters the most to your customers. By placing a continuous focus on your customers experiences, no matter where or how, you will ensure that the very lifeline of your business is on track. Also, if your business is on track you will have both time and resources to optimize for market growth.

The Nepa approach
Nepa’s approach to customer experience is to provide you with actionable insights on how to create the right environment for happy customers. We take a three-pronged approach to CX:

  1. Nepa Customer Insights. Research and advanced analytics to create actionable insights about your customers, including:
    a. Customer journey mapping
    b. Customer segmentation
    c. Customer community
    d. Driver analysis
  2. Nepa Advisory Services. Advisory services bespoke to our client’s current needs and business goals, including:
    a. Identifying CX differentiators
    b. CX roadmap creation
    c. KPI selection
  3. Nepa CX Feedback Platform. Nepa’s proprietary CX Feedback Platform collects, integrates, and analyzes data for the insights that matter most and distributes action items to the right stakeholder so they can grow your business.
    a. Real Time Dashboard
    b. Closed Loop Feedback
    c. Live Feed of Customer Feedback
    d. Text Analysis using Machine Learning

Our approach allows us to build you a tailored CX program stretching from strategic to operational insights, connecting the CX program to your business data, ongoing to ad hoc measurements creating sustainable customer growth.

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Driving long-term and short-term sales using Facebook and Instagram advertising

October 06, 2020

Sam Richardson

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Social media platforms are used by one-in-three people in the world and more than two thirds of all internet users. Social media is becoming more and more important in our everyday lives, creating new potential for brand and sales opportunities. But how can you, as an advertiser, unlock that potential?

We want to look more closely at current performance of social media advertising and how to further scale the effect of social media by optimizing its execution. One way of doing so is using media and creative best practices for social media. Insights can be used for (retail) advertisers to optimize their social media execution for driving long and short-term sales. Our findings are based on Nepa’s Marketing Mix Modelling (MMM) for retail clients in Sweden across different industries in the past, covering 1660 social media campaigns, determining short and long-term effects (brand effects) of media. We further break down short-term sales effects into store sales and online sales. This study defines social media
campaigns as campaigns from Facebook, Instagram, Facebook Audience Network3 and Messenger that have been extracted based on the Facebook data extract provided by Facebook as part of the MMM partnership.

All results shown in this whitepaper are based on averages and displayed in index format to show differences in performance.

Click here to download the whitepaper


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The consumer narrative and what matters- Covid edition

June 10, 2020

Sam Richardson

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Moving beyond the latest consumer trends we have been reading about :


To understand more about the consumer narrative and what matters (Covid edition) our team in Nepa India have created an insight report incorporating Quant & Qual methodologies. It uncovers the story in the form of 6 hashtags that define the NOW & LATER of consumer sentiment.

To read the full report download the PDF below or contact us at

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The consumer narrative and what matters- Covid edition

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Outsmart competitors by tracking willingness to pay

May 19, 2020

Sam Richardson

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The actual purpose with most companies’ brand investments is to create an incremental value for its customers. Traditional brand tracking KPIs are not able to quantify and translate this value into a financial number, making it difficult for brands to follow up on their investments properly.

At Nepa we have a long history of using different types of discrete choice models (conjoint) to capture how much consumers are actually willing to pay for a certain brand. By combining our methodological expertise with extensive experience from tracking data, we have developed a solution using discrete choice modelling to measure the willingness to pay on a continuous basis.

To read more, download or PDF below or contact us at

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Outsmart competitors by tracking willingness to pay

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Nepa’s syndicated 6-month video game tracker with Coronavirus addons

April 23, 2020

Sam Richardson

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Why start a video game tracker now? The coronavirus pandemic is currently causing the world enormous suffering and sacrifice, with far-reaching personal, societal, political and financial ramifications.

In the ongoing crisis, many industries face rapid and dramatic changes in consumer demand, attitudes and behaviors, meaning brands need to be flexible and quick to respond to change. A huge part of being able to plan for this unique situation involves staying on top of what consumers want, need, think and do, and getting to grips with where the market is headed in the time to come.

To read more, download or PDF below or contact us at

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Nepa’s syndicated 6-month video game tracker with Coronavirus addons

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Tracking healthcare service performance using Nepas customer experience tracker

April 21, 2020

Laptop with performance metrics

Sam Richardson

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To ensure that users are consistently offered a great service, continuously measuring patient experience during the crisis is imperative. Nepa have therefore developed a holistic service performance tracker that enables you to assess how you are performing versus the competing digital healthcare services.

To read more, download or PDF below or contact us at

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Tracking healthcare service performance