
Brand Tracking

Manage, track, and grow your brand with always-on, actionable insights.

Marketing Mix Modelling

Monitor and optimise the long and short-term effects of your marketing efforts.

Campaign Evaluation

Measure and track your campaign’s performance before, after, and as it happens.

Case Study

GANT trusts Nepa to help it grow

Bordeaux , Aquitaine / France - 11 25 2019 : Gant sign store luxury shop in street boutique

The story

Beginning with shirts in 1949, GANT has expanded to become a global lifestyle and clothing brand. Operating in 70 markets, its products are available in over 4,000 retailers and GANT stores all over the world. But how do they maintain their position as market leaders? By thoroughly understanding their markets.

A partnership with global brand health experts Nepa helped GANT to understand their opportunities for growth, how their competition was perceived, and to understand their relative brand strength and positioning in all of their main markets.

“We chose Nepa as a brand insight partner after doing a study with them where they really showed their skills in understanding our brand and our opportunities. Since this is a global assignment, the collaboration will be an important component in our strategy going forward since our brand’s strength is of highest priority for us.”

— Eleonore Säll, Executive Vice President of Global Brand.

GANT Lifestyle Image

The plan

A deep dive into each key market was the first step of the plan. In order to understand areas for growth, GANT needed to have a strong base to work from. Nepa helped establish exactly where they currently sat as a brand and who their competitors were in each individual market.

Core KPIs were then established from this information, which formed the key assessment criteria for GANT’s new continuous health trackers. Developed and operated by Nepa, these trackers offered the GANT team the granularity they required to understand what exactly was happening, why, and most importantly, how to turn this into tangible actions.

The result

GANT’s continuous brand health tracker has now been expanded to cover eleven of the company’s main target markets. All insights are available 24/7 via Nepa’s easy-to-access KPI dashboard, so the GANT team can access the data whenever they want to easily pivot their marketing and business strategies as individual market situations change.

Regular insight meetings between the two companies also allow Nepa to use their industry knowledge to drill into the data and answer business questions that the GANT team may have. By having a firm foundation of knowledge, and being able to track year-on-year trends, Nepa can offer GANT solutions to their important business questions along with informed ‘next step’ actions.

Our collaboration with NEPA is important for us. Understanding our consumer and their view of GANT is imperative for us to succeed.” said Alexander Nilsson, Global Brand Strategy & Insights Director.

The result


markets covered



Our Approach

We convert data into
opportunities for growth

Marketing is an investment

Many brands are seeing budget cuts. But focusing only on short-term goals means you can miss the contribution of long-term brand building to growth. To demonstrate the ROI of your marketing you need a team that is experienced in linking your brand KPIs to your company’s financial performance, over time. We help you make those connections, which are essential for making marketing decisions that drive growth.

Ensure brand relevance

As technologies, trends, and industries shift, so do your customers. You need to keep on the pulse of people’s perceptions and behaviours by understanding how your brand is used, its personality, and how your communications are working in order to make adjustments over time.

Select the right channels

Assessing the strength of each individual media channel helps you to focus on the right investments. But most media measurement does not integrate and evaluate all the different channels now available. Our Media Mix Modelling assesses the ROI of all media investments including social, allowing brands to make decisions around budgets for every media, execution, campaign duration, and creative.

Increase market share

There are several ways to increase market share. Sell more to existing customers. Expand your customer base. Sell through new channels. However, in order to choose the right option, you need to understand your potential customer base.

Our Market Segmentation gives you clear, useful information on both current and potential customers. It splits people into different groups based on needs and values, offering insights on how to grow your brand in these different markets.

Measure your performance

As media changes, so do people and their behaviour. To improve performance, you need to evaluate and evolve your campaigns constantly, so that you can make and measure adjustments over time. We help you find the right mix of channels, messaging, creative, and format to increase your impact and ROI.


Adapt to win

Our 360-degree, continuous approach shows how consumers think, helps realise growth potential, and demonstrates return on investment.

Marketing Mix Modelling

Adjust activity in near real-time with models that are continuously learning from your media activity, sales performance, and brand health.

Campaign Evaluation

Running campaigns is all about constant evaluation and evolution. Find the right mix of channels, messaging, creative, and format to get the most out of your communications.

Custom Modules

Use additional modules to manage pricing, brand personality, brand assets and category drivers and place customers at the heart of your marketing decisions.


Get in touch

Blog Posts

Generation Alpha – The Start Of Something New

August 23, 2022

Children playing on swings

Karen Chandler

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At Nepa, we understand people. It’s one of our greatest strengths as an insights agency. We are curious to know what people are thinking and why. But how about Generation Alpha? The oldest of this generation were born the year the iPad launched, which means that they are now on the cusp of becoming teenagers, with their own thoughts, opinions, and life values.

Generation Alpha India : Digital Se Kuch Aage” is an exploratory study that dives into this cohort of the future of India. They have very different ideas on how brands should operate, organisations should function, and brands should evolve.

We are talking self-dependence, the power of youth, and the next gen potential. The possibilities from tuning in to what our youngest can bring to the table are endless!” said Esha Nagar, MD Nepa India.

To find out more, watch our Generation Alpha trailer!

To access the full report, simply email

Case Study

VARNER trusts Nepa to uncover its potential

VARNER logo superimposed over many models of jeans from different denim, texture, color hang on hangers

The story

Norwegian company VARNER is one of the largest retailers in Scandinavia, consisting of retail chains Cubus, Dressmann, Dressmann XL, Bik Bok, Carlings, Volt, Junkyard, and Levi’s store. The company has nearly 8,500 employees, 1,200 stores, and 6 eCommerce websites in Norway, Sweden, Finland, Iceland, and Denmark.

How did VARNER go from one store in Oslo back in 1962, to this Nordic clothing empire? By uncovering the brand’s potential.

A long-term partnership with brand tracking agency Nepa has enabled VARNER to increase their understanding of their brands, their markets, and their potential areas for growth.

“Your insights meetings are always so useful. Outputs are clear, you create a lot of engagement, and there are always interesting discussions.”

— Knut Vidar Nilsen, Chief Marketing Officer

Dressmann Group Shot

The plan

VARNER wished to increase their understanding of how each of their brands performed in their main markets, and to uncover where the areas for growth lay. Working together, a continuous brand tracker was identified as the best option, as it would offer VARNER an uninterrupted holistic view of their brands, their markets, and their opportunities.

Actionable outcomes were an essential part of the project for VARNER. Quarterly reports and insights meetings were set up between the two teams in order to dig down into current hot business topics and areas of potential. In order for VARNER to make the most of their data available outside of these times, a dashboard was set up for immediately accessible business insights.

The result

VARNER not only now have insights on how their individual brands are performing via Nepa’s brand tracking dashboard, but regular consultation meetings with Nepa have highlighted key areas to strengthen and grow. Nepa has a long history with VARNER, thoroughly understands their business, their ways of working, and competitive landscape. This means that in these meetings Nepa can use their industry knowledge to open up discussions on potential areas for action, and adjustments in business strategies and tactics can be based on hard facts.

The brand tracking service provided by Nepa has enabled us to monitor brand performance on a chain and group level. This enables us to identify growth potential for individual chains and for the group, as well as learning more about how individual brand concepts are performing and how they potentially could be strengthened.

The brand tracking is one of several important insight elements we use to develop our brands, and in combination it becomes very important.” said Knut Vidar Nilsen, Chief Marketing Officer.

The result


brands tracked



Our Approach

We convert data into
opportunities for growth

Marketing is an investment

Many brands are seeing budget cuts. But focusing only on short-term goals means you can miss the contribution of long-term brand building to growth. To demonstrate the ROI of your marketing you need a team that is experienced in linking your brand KPIs to your company’s financial performance, over time. We help you make those connections, which are essential for making marketing decisions that drive growth.

Ensure brand relevance

As technologies, trends, and industries shift, so do your customers. You need to keep on the pulse of people’s perceptions and behaviours by understanding how your brand is used, its personality, and how your communications are working in order to make adjustments over time.

Select the right channels

Assessing the strength of each individual media channel helps you to focus on the right investments. But most media measurement does not integrate and evaluate all the different channels now available. Our Media Mix Modelling assesses the ROI of all media investments including social, allowing brands to make decisions around budgets for every media, execution, campaign duration, and creative.

Increase market share

There are several ways to increase market share. Sell more to existing customers. Expand your customer base. Sell through new channels. However, in order to choose the right option, you need to understand your potential customer base.


Our Market Segmentation gives you clear, useful information on both current and potential customers. It splits people into different groups based on needs and values, offering insights on how to grow your brand in these different markets.

Improve campaign performance

As media changes, so do people and their behaviour. To improve performance, you need to evaluate and evolve your campaigns constantly, so that you can make and measure adjustments over time. We help you find the right mix of channels, messaging, creative, and format to increase your impact and ROI.


Adapt to win

Our 360-degree, continuous approach shows how consumers think, helps realise growth potential, and demonstrates return on investment.

Marketing Mix Modelling

Adjust activity in near real-time with models that are continuously learning from your media activity, sales performance, and brand health.

Campaign Evaluation

Running campaigns is all about constant evaluation and evolution. Find the right mix of channels, messaging, creative, and format to get the most out of your communications.

Custom Modules

Use additional modules to manage pricing, brand personality, brand assets and category drivers and place customers at the heart of your marketing decisions.


Get in touch

Blog Posts

How to prove marketing is an investment, not a cost

July 25, 2022

Close up of two credit cards

Karen Chandler

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With global inflation increasing and the cost-of-living crisis dominating the news, it’s not a surprise that some companies are considering cutting their marketing budgets. In fact, the UK Government has even suggested that companies cut the prices for consumers using money they would otherwise use on marketing. For many businesses, both large and small, marketing is seen as a revenue-taking department; something that can be trimmed as and when required.

But this is a very short-term view, with long-term repercussions. The Harvard Business Review has examined these effects in companies that reduce spending in recessions, and come to the conclusion that firms that maintain their marketing spend while reallocating it to suit the context – be it in product developing, advertising and communication, or pricing – typically fare better than firms that cut their marketing investment”.

But knowing this, and being able to prove it to your CEO, MD, board of directors, or investors is different. So how do you do this? We can start with cold, hard data!

Prove your ROI.

Marketing Mix Modelling allows you to see which bits of media investment offer the best ROI right now, long-term, and which combinations give the best results. It takes all of your sales figures, media data, and general market trends, alongside any seasonal effects and macro trends. The data is modelled then put into a simulation where you can see what the optimal media mix is for your budget, or even if you should increase it in certain areas. It clearly demonstrates the impact these changes will have on short-term sales and long-term brand KPIs.

Track your brand.

Continuous brand tracking allows you to see exactly how your brand is doing in the wider world alongside your competitors. By understanding your brand’s strengths and weaknesses, you can be better equipped to deal with events such as the cost of living crisis or new market entrants. Brand tracking gives your marketing team the data they need to get your audience to listen. Nepa’s Brand Noise Reduction tools further strengthen continuous tracking to make this as accurate as possible.

Ensure your campaigns are as efficient as possible.

Relying on your gut feelings simply isn’t good enough in 2022. Campaign evaluations allow you to prove that the campaign you have put together will have the impact you want before you print your billboard posters or commit to costly tv slots. It allows you to prove to the budget owners that you’re targeting the right people, at the right time, in the right way.

When your competitors are cutting back, your share of voice will increase if you can maintain or increase your advertising budget, but in the right ways. Want to know more about dynamic marketing intelligence? Get in touch!

Blog Posts

What is dynamic marketing intelligence, and why do you need to know about it?

June 24, 2022

A close up view of the north pole on a globe

Karen Chandler

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If you were alive in the 18th century you would have been aware of ‘the longitude problem’. A huge issue at the time, it meant that without the ability to measure longitude sailors became lost as soon as they got into open waters. Determining longitude on land was fairly easy compared to the task on the ocean. A stable surface to work from, a comfortable location to live in while performing the work, plus the ability to repeat determinations over time made for almost perfect accuracy. But thousands of lives and the increasing fortunes of nations, were dependant on resolving ‘the longitude problem’ at sea.

Fast forward to today and what has the ‘longitude problem’ to do with marketing you ask? Well, right now, most marketeers are lost at sea when it comes to their marketing data. Marketeers make choices and judgements based on incomplete information. Like the seafarers of the 18th century, they are not able to map their true position.

This is because building brands is a long-term effort. You need to know what has gone before in order to set your direction. Companies grow by establishing long-lasting and meaningful connections with consumers. However, most marketing information is based on separate fixed points in time (like the land the sailors had left behind), rather than being a true reflection of the continual ebbing and flowing of a turbulent sea. Just like a boat on the ocean, marketers need to follow the currents and winds for smooth sailing. It is only by understanding the breadth and depth of that sea, in other words by gathering data and adjusting our understanding continually, that we can successfully resolve our 21st Century longitude problem.

Our solution, dynamic marketing intelligence, leverages your data to support informed, flexible, and responsive decisions in a way that is agile and fast moving. It gives your marketing the edge because you are always aware and always ready.

We call it dynamic because we measure data continuously, taking into account the myriad changes that occur in a market on a daily basis. You cannot have a real understanding of what is going on based on occasional measurement. You cannot switch off human behaviour, so why switch off your data? By integrating measures of attitudinal data ongoing, you find the reasons behind changing behaviour, and avoid making expensive mistakes. By constantly measuring your marketing mix and your consumers’ perceptions, we enable you to build a marketing strategy aimed at creating long-term relationships and growth.

The longitude problem was solved by a clockmaker, John Harrison, who spent four decades creating the first clock (chronometer) that was sufficiently accurate to be used to determine longitude at sea. Like the clock, dynamic marketing intelligence allows you to sail on, make continual adjustments to your route, and progress smoothly to your ultimate destination.

Want to find out how to make your marketing plain sailing? Get in touch!


Step up your brand tracking

May 26, 2022

Nepa Finland MD Eeva Karhu speaking about Data Driven Brand Management

Karen Chandler

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After two long years, Nepa live events are back! Last week Finnish MD Eeva Karhu hosted a hybrid event in Helsinki on the theme of Brand Tracking, and how to make the most of your data. But why is this important?

What should you know before starting your Brand Tracking?

Eeva Karhu presenting at the breakfast event about Brand Tracking

Brand Tracking isn’t a secret ingredient – it’s used by many companies. However, are they doing it right? Our experience is that companies are often under-using their brand tracker and aren’t taking full advantage of the insights being uncovered.

In a tumultuous economic environment, brand tracking is more important than ever. It can help CMOs and marketing teams quickly spot and address the challenges of an ever changing landscape. Additionally, with consumers now being able to compare brands online in an increasingly competitive environment, companies need to nail their positioning and establish new digital business models.

Differentiation is important, but it’s not easy. To stand out, brands need clear, actionable insights. You want to know what consumers think (about you!), and if they change their minds. That’s why tracking is so important.

There are two different types of Brand Tracking formulas, The Report Card and The Business Tool.

  • The Report Card is best used when a client is focused on just a couple of KPIs. It’s mainly used to keep track of the marketing department’s decisions on brand. These are used to measure a brand, target groups, and attributes connected to the brand strategy.
  • The Business Tool does all that and even more! It aims to understand the wider market and the ‘why’ behind consumer decisions. Brands can identify new business opportunities as they arise, answer the questions posed to your business, and choose the right outcome. This type of tracking is used daily, and it involves people outside of marketing and insights; the C-suite, the finance department, and customer services.

READ ALSO: What is brand tracking and why is it important?

What is the best practice for Brand Tracking?

We believe that a successful brand tracking should not only be used as a Report Card but also serve as a Business Tool, with continuity being key. Continuous brand tracking can assess marketing efforts and measure both media efficiency and long-term brand building. However, the key brand tracking factors include:

  • Proactivity This covers competitors and consumers beyond your target group. This is how your company can learn and see what competitors are doing right and wrong, and what consumers are being swayed toward.
  • Longevity This allows for Brand Tracking to withstand changes in the market. Even when your brand strategy changes, your Brand Tracking can stay on course.
  • Engagement This aspect will create questions from all levels internally and boost the usage of the data within the business.

To understand how to get the most value out of Brand Tracking, some fundamental questions must be answered first: What is playing on your stakeholders’ minds? What are your business goals? Where are you threatened? Where are the opportunities? Think about your planning cycle, when do budgets come out? When do decisions on media plans happen? With this knowledge you know exactly when certain insights are needed.

There are several different Brand Tracking modules to consider. If you’re focusing on communication, you should consider aspects such as your brand funnel to know whether your brand is moving in the correct direction, demographics to understand if extra work is needed to regain or bolster the targeted audiences, and media habits to decide which media channels are most successful. This is used best in a company with high media spend, as it monitors communication effectiveness, whilst offering the ability to optimise the media and develop new, more effective creatives.

If your brand wants to focus on positioning, brand tracking is best. It can monitor exactly where both you and your competitors sit in the landscape, alongside how everyone’s marketing activities are affecting your brand image. The best modules for looking at brand positioning include the brand funnel and demographics, as well as drivers to understand what the brands main associations should be. Brand Touch, on the other hand allows you to recognise if your brand is developing according to the positioning strategy, whilst Willingness to Pay shows you how much a consumer would pay for the service and to find out the real value of the brand. It’s best practice to look at your metrics before and after the campaign.

Getting the correct technical set-up is just the start; you also need to grow a sense of ownership and engagement to guarantee that your organisation uses your Brand Tracking to its full potential and makes the most of the investment. Get everyone on board, with start-up meetings and workshops, keep it simple with a dashboard designed for marketers, and keep it interesting with meetings around challenges the brand faces. Don’t just present the data.

For more information on our Brand Tracking, reach out to us at

COMING SOON:  Nepa Originals report: ‘A view from the future – Outlook on what the future holds from foresight experts.’

Case Study

Kellogg’s trusts Nepa to help it remain relevant

Mississauga, On, Canada - October 24, 2020: A close up Kellogg's

The story

The Kellogg’s company is a multi-national food manufacturing business producing leading cereal and snack foods such as Corn Flakes, Rice Krispies, Pringles, and Cheez-It. Headquartered in America, these products are manufactured and marketed in over 180 countries across the globe.

With so many categories in so many markets, how does Kellogg’s ensure that their products remain relevant? By understanding the needs of their consumer and the buying habits of their shopper through the many paths to purchase.

A category, brand, and shopper behaviour study by marketing intelligence experts Nepa helped Kellogg’s to uncover their connected shopper journeys, how these differed by market and, most importantly, how they can be interrupted to drive conversions both online and offline.

“I would 100% recommend the capability and people of Nepa.”

— Brittney Williams, Portfolio Director of Portable Wholesome Snacks

Close-up of a Pringles logo on a stand with chips in a store. Pr

The plan

Kellogg’s wanted to re-launch their Pringles brand with new creative, new flavours, and a new focus. They also wanted to increase market penetration by expanding the brand for consideration across different eating occasions and demand moments.

Selecting one of Nepa’s dynamic marketing intelligence tools, an omni-channel paths to purchase analysis was established that spanned 10 global markets including India, UK, Korea, France, and Brazil. It covered all major market channels such as eCommerce, hypermarket, supermarket, discounter, bodega, club and convenience.

It was key that this research offered Kellogg’s the insights they needed to deliver effective propositions and communications for their Salty snacks category.

The result

The work has been instrumental in Kellogg’s development of channel and shopper strategies, and has been the basis of all core brand building initiatives. Nepa’s learnings were shared with Kellogg’s creative agency so that they could develop a new shopper toolkit for every market. The output is now the global Kellogg’s standard.

Whilst Nepa’s marketing intelligence capabilities were a fundamental part of the project’s success, the consultative approach between the two companies was the real game changer. The research needed to be useful for global, regional, and market specific teams in Kellogg’s, so everyone needed to align with one methodology and set of research KPIs. Nepa became a true extension of Kellogg’s insight and marketing departments.

The result


global market surveyed

Our Approach

We convert data into
opportunities for growth

Marketing is an investment

Many brands are seeing budget cuts. But focusing only on short-term goals means you can miss the contribution of long-term brand building to growth. To demonstrate the ROI of your marketing you need a team that is experienced in linking your brand KPIs to your company’s financial performance, over time. We help you make those connections, which are essential for making marketing decisions that drive growth.

Ensure brand relevance

As technologies, trends, and industries shift, so do your customers. You need to keep on the pulse of people’s perceptions and behaviours by understanding how your brand is used, its personality, and how your communications are working in order to make adjustments over time.

Select the right channels

Assessing the strength of each individual media channel helps you to focus on the right investments. But most media measurement does not integrate and evaluate all the different channels now available. Our Media Mix Modelling assesses the ROI of all media investments including social, allowing brands to make decisions around budgets for every media, execution, campaign duration, and creative.

Increase market share

There are several ways to increase market share. Sell more to existing customers. Expand your customer base. Sell through new channels. However, in order to choose the right option, you need to understand your potential customer base.

Our Market Segmentation gives you clear, useful information on both current and potential customers. It splits people into different groups based on needs and values, offering insights on how to grow your brand in these different markets.

Measure your performance

As media changes, so do people and their behaviour. To improve performance, you need to evaluate and evolve your campaigns constantly, so that you can make and measure adjustments over time. We help you find the right mix of channels, messaging, creative, and format to increase your impact and ROI.


Adapt to win

Our 360-degree, continuous approach shows how consumers think, helps realise growth potential, and demonstrates return on investment.

Marketing Mix Modelling

Adjust activity in near real-time with models that are continuously learning from your media activity, sales performance, and brand health.

Campaign Evaluation

Running campaigns is all about constant evaluation and evolution. Find the right mix of channels, messaging, creative, and format to get the most out of your communications.

Custom Modules

Use additional modules to manage pricing, brand personality, brand assets and category drivers and place customers at the heart of your marketing decisions.


Get in touch

Blog Posts

New Food Magazine, Sustainable Packaging News & Bakery and Snacks

February 22, 2022

Karen Chandler

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LONDON, United Kingdom (February 19th, 2022) – Nepa spoke to over 5,600 consumers around the world to find out their views on what they think will happen for the next 10 years. One of the topics was food, packaging and sustainability – see articles below.

Click to read the full articles here:
New Food Magazine – Would you eat a cereal box to save the planet?
Sustainable Packaging News – Would You Eat Your Cereal Box?
Bakery and Snacks – Brits would be happy to eat their cereal boxes for a more sustainable future

Want to know more? Contact us today and our brand experts will help you! 

Blog Posts

How to measure your brand strength

January 14, 2022

Karen Chandler

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The US Engineer W. Edwards Deming once said, “just because you can measure everything, doesn’t mean you should”. In other words, if you’re training to run a marathon you would be interested in measuring your time and resistance, and not in how much you can bench press. Only by knowing what metrics are relevant to track your improvement, can you define an effective workout and reach your goals.

The same goes for brands. If you want to be able to improve your brand strength, you need to know what to measure and how to measure it. This is what we call finding the right KPIs. Most companies we meet struggle with choosing the right brand measures. They often rely on too many metrics (falling into the trap W. Edwards cited) and end up having too much data without a clear direction.

So how do you identify which are the right metrics for your brand? Let us guide you through four different approaches which brands can use to identify which KPIs are truly relevant for them to drive growth.

1. The core metric

Through brand tracking we can identify one or a few core KPIs; among the most common Salience, NPS, Affinity, Preference. There are several frameworks that can be used when selecting these KPIs – such as Aaker’s, Keller’s, or Sharp’s – but the main criteria is to evaluate external effectiveness and internal actionability. You need to know that improving the selected KPI will give you the benefits to business you desire and the required actions to improve it.

Relying on one selected KPI based on brand tracking has multiple benefits. Nailing your core measurement system provides clarity to the business and a direction for progression in the future, on top of that measuring too many operational KPIs has a cost. By using fewer KPIs insights teams can invest their time in showing the value of the data and insights they generate. Fewer KPIs reduces operational costs, meaning budgets can be reallocated across the business to drive action based on findings.

This is the most straightforward approach. However, its simple nature only focuses on one part of the picture and might not provide you with a holistic view.

2. The ultimate metric

This is an aggregated approach where multiple measurements are combined into one index. Through this approach you can identify one brand index based on several brand tracking metrics – such as centrality and distinctiveness – that can be used across markets and categories. These indexes are based on a combination of different KPIs and provide a holistic concept, supporting one common view of development.

If identified correctly, the same index can be used across markets and functions. Attentions will automatically be focused on the weakest metric, for each market to get the best effect on the total index, which often leads to the correct priorities.

3. The growth metric

American business magnate Warren Buffett once said that pricing power is “the single most important decision in evaluating a business”. Using an equity based KPI allows you to understand how your business’ activities connect to financial performance, a connection which is essential for making business decisions that drive growth. Our third approach measures pricing power as Willingness to Pay, which evaluates consumers’ willingness to pay a higher price for a product or service versus the competition through Choice Based Conjoint. By using WTP, sales are related to market share, guiding, and validating all brand building efforts directly to business growth.

It’s easy to connect this KPI within the organization. It is often beneficial to complement the WTP KPI with a more sales oriented KPI, such as market share, to measure short term financial effects of communication as well.

4. The engagement metric

Engagement can be based on different variables: word of mouth, mentions, likes, follows, shares, comments, click-throughs, organic search, website visits and so on. By tracking and combining these different elements you can obtain your engagement KPI.

This approach gives you direct access to consumers and immediate feedback. However, it isn’t the most accurate KPI as it’s based on so many channels, so it is best used in combination with other KPIs. At Nepa, we’re developing a Brand Health index using Primary Dynamic Factor Analysis, which can identify the underlying pattern of change in several measurements, removing the “noise” in the data to uncover actual brand development.

Ultimately, if you pick the wrong KPI for your brand objectives or too many KPIs to keep track of, you won’t be able to measure whether your strategy is effective or not. You won’t see the result that you’re expecting to see. But by training the right “brand muscle” and keeping track of your improvements you will be able to reach your end goal.

By Robert Beatus, Head of R&D at Nepa

Want to know more? Contact us today and our brand experts will help you!


Read also other Nepa Brand Series blog posts:

Block the background noise, listen to the music. Making your brand data more accurate and actionable.

Forget me not, how to stand out and be remembered.

Introduction to Brand Touch – are you Batman or the Joker?

Blog Posts

Coverage – Digital Doughnut – Who’s Winning Christmas?

December 30, 2021

Karen Chandler

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LONDON, United Kingdom (December 30th, 2021) – Lindsay Parry, Managing Director Nepa UK, shares the top three festive brand mascots, according to consumers.


Click to read the full article here: Who’s Winning Christmas? – Digital Doughnut


Want to know more? Contact us today and our brand experts will help you!